Café Chat

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" Hey Alex!"

"Are you stalking me?"

"Don't flatter yourself, I'm just here to get some coffee"

"So then why are you sitting here?"

"Cant a girl just sit down and chat with her friend?"


"My coffee is better than your cupcake"

"Why do you always have to make things a competition Piper?"

"The real question is why not?"

"The real question is why are you using that its an old defense move"

"My coffee is still better than your cupcake"

*************** 5 MINUTES LATER ************

" Now what, is your coffee better than my iced coffee?"

*************** 6 MINUTES LATER *************

"Hey, my seat!"

"If you move away from your seat in life, its bound to be taken"

"Doesn't change the fact that my bagel is better than your iced coffee"

"Oh brother"

************** SOMETIME LATER ***************

"What Book is that?"

" Twilight"

" I have never thought of you being a Twilights fan"

" Is it because I'm a boy?"

"No, you just seem like a person to collect bugs and stuff."

" My self esteem is soaring through the roof right now"


"What book are you reading?"

" Its Moby Dick"

" Woah, I didn't think you were that type of girl"

" Doofus "

" Just kidding, but that book is plain boring"

"Still a better love story than Twilight."

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