(One Shot) Chim - You & I

Start from the beginning

Kimberley jumped, pulled from her thoughts as the door suddenly opened. She held her breath as Cheryl’s mum emerged, threw a bag into the dustbin then went back inside. Kimberley exhaled, placing a hand over her heart. They were still here.

Kimberley didn’t move from her car for the rest of the night. She didn’t sleep; she just watched the house, watching for any comings and goings of anyone else from Cheryl’s family, since she didn’t yet know if Joan lived alone, or with any of her children. And she couldn’t risk running into any of Cheryl’s brothers. 


‘Hey up! How was the interview?’ 

Kimberley jumped slightly as she exited the university building, turning to see Cheryl, the girl who had directed her there, sat on the wall opposite. 

‘What’re you still doing here?’ she questioned. ‘Did you wait for me?’ 

‘No, I was just passing.’ Cheryl lied. ‘So?’ 

‘Oh, it was fine, everything confirmed and everything…’ 

‘Nice one pet! So you’re gonna be around for a while I take it?’ 

‘At least for the next three years!’ Kimberley grinned. 

‘What’re you doing now?’ Cheryl asked, jumping off the wall and approaching her. 

‘I was gonna go back to the flat and start unpacking…’ 

‘You got your own place?’ 

‘Yeah, it’s just a little one-roomed thing for students, you know…’ 

‘How about pushing that back a few hours? You up for being shown Newcastle by a proper Geordie?’ 

‘Why, can you find me one?’ Kimberley joked. Cheryl shook her head. 

‘Very funny… Kimberley. Well? D’you wanna?’ 

‘I’m sure you have better things to do…’ 

‘Oh yeah, a million. But you’re like a lost sheep, you need me help.’ She winked. 

‘Cheeky! Alright then, why not.’ 

‘Great!’ Cheryl grinned. She linked arms with Kimberley like they had been friends for years, and Kimberley felt those butterflies again. 

‘Right, we’ll start with that caff right on the corner, it does the best coffee in the world, and the buns aren’t bad either!’ 


Kimberley stayed in her car throughout the next morning. She watched Joan leave early, and come back just after midday. Nobody else came out of the house, or went in. It didn’t mean she lived alone, but it was worth taking the risk. Kimberley forced herself to picture Cheryl’s face exactly the way it had been the last time she had seen her. She looked up and down the street several more times before finally getting out of the car and striding to the house, quickly so she wouldn’t change her mind. 

As soon as Kimberley knocked, she nearly ran away. She was shaking. She was about to turn around when the door opened, and she stood face to face with Cheryl’s mother. 

‘Kimberley?’ Joan said in disbelief. They just stared at each other, Kimberley not having a clue how to start a conversation after six years, Joan just taken aback by the girl on her doorstep. 

‘Look at you!’ Joan whispered, shaking her head. She suddenly stepped outside and pulled Kimberley into a hug. Kimberley exhaled with relief as Joan rubbed her back. ‘Come in, come in, it’s cold.’ She said, ushering Kimberley into the house. She pointed her through to the front room, then quickly bolted the door. 

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