Chapter 1 : Escaping Reality

Start from the beginning

My right eye was sharp, my whole body felt light and I was stronger. I took my chance and I killed him. Now that I'm a monster, I don't know whether it is better for me to live or to die.

I drove through the town , under the moonlight, the atmosphere was so nice tonight. I never really drove a car before but somehow, I know how to operate because of this sudden change in me. I drove pass a few people, they were normal and happy.

I don't remember how happiness feels like anymore, the last time I felt it was back when my mother was still alive. I felt happy with her arms around my shoulders, hugging me with her heart, I wonder if I'll ever feel that again.
Suddenly, a dog was running in front of me, even though I was a monster, I couldn't bear to hurt an innocent animal, I put on the brakes and crashed to the street lamp nearby.

The whole car crash felt subtle, as if it didn't even affected me, I was still in perfect condition. I kicked the car door and walked outside, my eye patch had loosened and it fell down. The people in that area gathered around me and saw my missing left eye, they were whispering and exchanging words, one of them called 911 .

As an instinct I ran away to the woods nearby, one of the people there chased me thinking that I might be seriously injured due the missing left eye. I ran to the hilly areas, jumped on the logs, kicked the animals preying on me.

A man chased behind me, he never stopped running and I, I can keep on running because this sudden change made me grew stronger. Then, the man tripped and hit his head first. At first I thought it was okay but then the animals that preyed on me had changed their attention from me to him.

I kept telling myself that if he died, I won't be blame and if I did save him, would he really return the favor or did the opposite instead. I didn't have much time to think, I rushed back and helped the man in the end. I kicked the animals, with this new body of mine, I could dodge better, my reflexes improved. Even though this was helping me, it still didn't change the fact that I'm far from human.

At last, the ordeal was over and the man was safe from danger. I gave him my hand and helped him stand up.

From the looks of it, the fall had broken his nose quite badly, I must say, even the smallest accident could break your body. He asked me how I was able to survive the crash even though it was severe. He also asked what had happened to my left eye.

I explained to him about what had happened to me and my left eye, which also gave him an idea at how I was able to survive and still in perfect condition. He didn't believe me at first but once I showed him my full potential, he looked at me with awe shown on his face.

He offered me his help by taking me to the police and report about this whole thing but I refused because I didn't want to be put in a cage or anything that would keep me in and not out. He kept insisting on taking me to the police station, I pushed him and he fell backwards.

I apologized and ran off again, this time I never looked back. Before I disappeared into the forest, he called out and asked for my name. I simply said," My name is Rysmeth Amethyst, call me Esmeth."
He smiled and said, " I think I'll call you Esme *chuckles*, If I said Esme ,people will think I'm talking about my mother, her name is Esme, don't you think so?"
I laughed and nodded, then I disappeared to the forest, bidding farewell to the man, whom I don't know his name.

I think it's better if I didn't know his name, at least I won't put him in any danger. Esme, that is a good cover . I'm running for my life, I'm undiscovered, my abilities that is, I guess that is for the best. It's better if I'm left undiscovered. Gemstones, they are really beautiful but they bring so many deaths by thieves, robbers and people who would do anything for money.

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