I Love You (Bryce Games)

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I love you (Bryce Games)
I love you. Thats what I want to say to this wonderful man in front of me. Bryce McQuaid. My wonderful boyfriend. "Baby? What are you thinking about?"Bryce asks me grabbing my hand. "You"I say and smile at him. His cheeks turn slightly pink and he smiles. I tug his hand and we continue walking to my house. "I love you"he says fumbling with my hand. I just smile at him. It hurts knowing I can't say it back. I want to so badly but I can't...I have to wait until the perfect timing. We've been dating for a year today. I know you may be wondering, why haven't you said it yet? Well he told me he loved me about a week or two ago. It was sweet. But I wasn't ready to say it. Today is the perfect day to tell him though. "Let's go inside"I smile pulling him towards my house. I had everything set up now all I needed was Bryce. He stops me and brings his lips down so that they are softly pressed against mine. I was surprised but didn't say anything as he pulled away. He smiles at me and we walk into my house. Let the plan begin. "Oh my.."I hear Bryce say surprised. I had put a big Teddy bear and some candy, with a few pictures of us in the middle of the room for him. "Happy One Year Bryce"I say smiling at him. He looks at me and spins me around. Then pecks my lips lightly. "I love you"he says smiling at me. "I love you too"I say causing him to look at me in shock. "I love you, I love you, I love you Bryce you are the most amazing guy ever, I'm sorry for making you wait but I had this all planned I have loved you for the longest time even before we met, I knew you from YouTube, you know that, but I fell in love with you as soon as I heard your voice, You are so damn amazing and you make me feel special. I don't know what I would do without you. I know sometimes you swear I'm secretly with Del"I chuckle and so does he but I continue. "But you are the one for me and I realize that now. I love you so much Bryce and dont you forget that"I say pushing his hair out of his face. He grabs my waist smiling down at me. "God I love you.. I'm so lucky"he whispers and presses his lips against my cheek. I smile grabbing his face and bringing his lips down to meet mine. "You're pretty lovey dovey today"he chuckles. I smile and suddenly he starts to tickle me. "No"I squeal and fall to the floor. He falls down on top of me and I let out a 'hmph'. I start laughing and so does he. He rolls off me and lays by me. "I love you"I giggle laying my head on his chest. "Hey guess what?"he says with a small smirk. "What?"I laugh shaking my head. "I finally found a girl who loves me like delirious loves delirious"he whispers causing me to burst out laughing. "You are such a dork babe"I laugh shaking my head at him. "But you love me"he smiles. "That I do"I chuckle.
*a few years later*
"I can't believe Ohm is getting married"I say smiling at Bryce. "Right, can't believe the first time I get to see him he is getting married"Bryce chuckles shaking his head. "Hey guys"I hear a familiar voice say. It sounded like Ohm. I turned to see a guy looking at us. He had brown hair and blue/green eyes. "Ohm?"I say my eyes wide. He nods smiling. "Hey"Bryce says and hugs Ohm. I smile watching the two talk. Then Ohm turns to me. "Hey Y/N"he smiles. "Hey OhmWrecker"I say and hug him. "Bryce is one lucky man"he winks jokingly. I smile and shake my head. "Who's all coming?"Bryce asks. "Vanoss and the crew, Delirious with his massk though, Cartoonz, my family, and her family and friends"Ohm says with a small smile. He chuckled when he said Delirious. "Hey your boyfriend is coming"Bryce says obviously joking with me. I already knew he was talking about Del. "Oh shut up"I laugh shaking my head. He just smiles and kisses the top of my head. Ohm smiles at us and motions for us to follow him. "So Bryce you are a Groomsman which you already knew and Y/N you're a bridesmaid. So let's get you all ready, you know how it goes with walking down the aisle and shit so I'm not going into much detail. Delirious is the best man, Vanoss is a Groomsman, and Cartoonz is a Groomsman too"Ohm says as we walk down a hallway of the church. "We have about two hours until the wedding if you need to practice go ahead"I hear a woman say from behind us. I turn to see Ohm's soon to be wife. I smile at her and Ohm smiles too. She wasn't dressed yet just had hair and make up done. "He's not supposed to see you yet shoo shoo"I laugh and Peck Bryce's cheek. Then I drag her out of Ohm's view. She just laughs and we go to get ready. There wedding was a turquoise and a light and pretty green color theme. I got to wear a green dress while the maid of honor, her sister, wore turquoise. "Are you mad that delirious is wearing his mask?"I ask (I don't know what her name will be so let's just day O/W/N or Ohms wife's name) O/W/N. "No not really I understand he doesnt show his face for a reason"she smiles. I nod slowly and continue getting ready. As time past and so did the ceremony it was time for the reception. I grab my glass and walk over to Ohm and his wife. He had his forehead against hers and they were smiling. "I love you"I hear him say with a giant smile. "I love you too"she says and I smile. "Congratulations guys, you've been together for awhile and now you are stuck together until you die"I chuckle and Ohm smiles at me or..behind me. I turn to see Vanoss at first then I see Bryce standing there smiling at me with his hands behind his back. "Y/N, I love you more than anything and everything. You are the most beautiful, caring, sweet, funny, and just amazing person I have ever met. We have been together for yearsss. You are my best friend and girlfriend. I would like to spend the rest of my life with you so please will you marry me?"he asks kneeling in front of me. I gasp and cover my mouth. I see Del standing behind him giving me a thumbs up. Ohm was smiling and Vanoss was standing by me with a shocked look. I already knew my answer and so did everyone else. "Yes"I squeal and hug him. I hear cheering and I let a tear slip from my eye. I had an amazing life. I couldn't be happier.

Hey everyone, if you haven't noticed this one is pretty long longer than the rest. I just really like Bryce XD I really like them all actually I just thought of this idea and decided to use Bryce. But if anyone wants one don't be afraid to ask!

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