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yo okay, so i haven't been as active with this book as I should be, I try too post everyday but I have life things too worry about and deal with and I'm really sorry, I'm working on chapters too have ready as of now just in case I don't have any free time. thank u for understanding. Also, hello! Welcome Newcomers! Thanks for looking at the outfits in this book; ik it may not seem like it but I do work hard on these chapters and it takes me soooo long too find the outfits and list the stores but I'm really trying.

Also this book is at 2.63k reads rn..insane for only like 3 weeks or so of it being published and I'm so thankful and hoping for 3k soon! so, thank you thank you thank you thank you, especially to the ones who comment nice things and actually try out the outfits and vote and added this to their reading lists and libraries, you r fantastic and i really appreciate it.

ALSOOO I"M DOING A BACK TO SCHOOL SERIES!!! *people reading this book actually don't care*,*actually hate me for bringing BTS up*, *removes book from library*

but no, really, it'll be great. I'm gonna start doing chapters where I list shopping centers/stores that have best BTS sales, places where you can buy cool backpacks that you see on like WeHeartIt/ tumblr, Cool holographic cases, cute & comfortable outfits that don't cost much (because we ballin' on a budget) and a bunch of other cool things. Trust me, you'll love it...or decently like it.

but, yeah, that's all I wanted too say, nothing much. Also, a new chapter will be up after this but I'm still working on it and on the BTS chapters. okay, I've served my time here.

later. xx

*Aesthetic Outfits*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt