Chapter 1 - Plots and blood lust

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I lazily lean back into the couch and let out a yawn, which echoes around the empty living room of the brand new house that Roman had insisted on buying for the two of us and the baby that still hadn't been named. It was located on the edge of Hemlock Grove hidden among trees for added privacy. We even had a maid and a butler that were sworn to secrecy. Ever since the day that I found out about the baby, Roman has been hellbent on keeping her hidden from the rest of the world. She's locked in a room with a tiny window and if I'm honest with myself I feel sorry for the poor thing.

"Honey, I'm home!" Roman's deep voice echoes throughout the house followed by the sound of the front door closing. A smile spreads itself upon my lips as I turn to face him, leaning against the back of the sofa as I do so. His tall frame saunters towards me as he lazily drops his suit jacket and briefcase. When he nears me he takes my face into his hands and kisses my forehead gently.

"I missed you" I pout, taking his black silk tie into my hands and playing with the fabric. "Why can't you stay at home with me?" I whine, earning a low chuckle from the back of his throat. His hands drop from my face and lift me up from under my armpits, placing me so that I am now sat on the back of the black leather sofa.

"I missed you too, baby. But I have to work" He croons, separating my legs to allow himself to stand between them whilst his hands rest comfortably at my waist. He leans into kiss me but I immediately turn my head, causing his lips to make contact with my cheek. A pout forms on his soft lips and his eyebrows are knitted together in confusion.

"I still don't trust you Roman. I'm sorry, but you hurt me badly." I speak firmly, removing his hands from my waist but keeping hold of them. A sigh leaves his lips and he nods in understanding. His hands slip out of mine and he stands up straight, pulling away from me just as the door to the baby's room opens and the nanny walks out stiffly. I glance up at Roman as an idea forms in my brain. "Roman, I know what we can do about the baby" I whisper, tapping his shoulder to make sure that I have his full attention. 

"What?!" He asks inquisitively. I look over at the nanny who is watching us from the kitchen with a look of disdain upon her aged face. Feeling uncomfortable, I hop off of the back of the sofa and walk towards the bedroom door, beckoning Roman to follow me. He diligently follows me and we both sit down on the bed once the door is shut. 

"We tell everyone that she's ours" I whisper, smiling at Roman with pride in my brilliant plan. His eyes widen slightly as he gazes at me whilst deep in thought. "We could even get her registered as our baby and nobody would be none the wiser" I add, hoping that he buys into it. 

"But how will we get people to believe us?" He questions, loosening his tie slightly.

"Um... well, we say that I had a home birth and I didn't show much. Also, we could also say that the reason you broke up with me was because you were in shock, but you stepped up once she was born. I don't know, but we'd have to have our families in on it" I reel off my ideas at high speed, probably taking Roman off guard. I had been running over ideas all day as I had nothing better to do. "Sorry, I've been thinking of ideas today because it's been making you stressed" I continue, dropping my head and gazing at my hands that are currently resting in my lap. Roman places his hands on top of mine, causing me to look up at him.

"I think it's a brilliant idea. I'll be right back. I've got to make some phone calls" He speaks, smiling gently before placing a kiss to my forehead. His hands remove themselves from mine when he gets off of the bed and then leaves the room, closing the door softly behind him. I lay back onto the soft duvet that adorns the bed, happily smiling to myself.

 Suddenly, I feel a pain in my throat, like a burning sensation and the room starts spinning. All I can hear is the distant heartbeat of some unknown person and my body moves of its own accord towards it. I sluggishly pull the bedroom door open and walk towards the sound that is calling to me in some way. Stumbling slightly, I reach the bottom of the staircase and glance at the front door where a pizza delivery person stands. My fangs elongate as my eyes can only focus on a pulsing vein on the unknown person's throat, lunging towards them when the pain in my throat becomes unbearable. His eyes widen in sheer terror and I find myself smirking as time passes in slow motion. I grab my victim, causing them to drop the pizza box. My jaw widens and I inch closer to their throbbing jugular. The burn in my throat still intensifying.

Without warning, I am wrenched away from my victim and thrown into one of the couches, landing with a loud thud on the leathery surface. A growl,that I had no idea I was ever capable of producing, leaves my lips as my eyes narrow angrily at my mother as she hurries the delivery man out of the front door and shuts it behind her. Only now is it that I notice that both my older brother, Timothy, and Roman are restraining me. My breathing slows as the sound of the heartbeat quietens and eventually ceases. The burn in my throat steadily fades into nonexistence. Both Roman and Timothy watch me cautiously as they slowly let go of my limbs. My eyes widen dramatically when I realize what just happened. What I almost did. I almost killed someone, holy cow. 

"Baby, are you okay?" Roman asks, staring at me with a look of trepidation on his face. I shake my head as words fail me completely and tears gather on my bottom eyelids. Hurriedly, he takes me into his arms and I habitually bury my face into the crook of his neck, whilst his arms hold me tightly. 


"So what are we going to tell Victoria about the baby? And doesn't she need a name?" My Mum questions, watching Roman and I. Silence falls upon the room We'd just spent the last hour or so telling her and Theodore about the plan, and they seem to have taken it very well. I look up at Roman to find that he is staring back at me, nibbling on his bottom lip and deep in thought. 

"Well... we'll tell her that she's now an aunt and that she wasn't told before because, um... I didn't tell anyone apart from you and Roman as I was-er... too scared" I reply, looking back at my mother. "As for the name, Roman and I will have to talk about that by ourselves before the baby is registered" I add, gently squeezing Roman's hand that is held within mine. He reciprocates by placing a swift kiss to the top of my head. Mum nods swiftly, finishing her glass of wine before setting the glass down on the black, metal coffee table. 

"Well, it's getting late. We should be getting back to Victoria and Sam now" She stands and slowly stretches, yawning slightly. I nod in response and go to stand. "Don't worry, we'll show ourselves out" She adds, smiling softly as I sit back down and curl back into Roman. 

"Goodnight, Mum. Theodore" I wave happily as they walk towards the front door. 

"Bye" They respond in unison, smiling back as they step out of the front door and quietly shut it behind them. I sigh softly, peeking up at Roman who has fallen asleep with his head resting on the back of the sofa. Light snores leave his mouth as he sleeps soundly. I smile at him, before making myself more comfortable by leaning back into his chest. My eyelids flutter closed and I gently drip off into a blissful sleep for the first time in a while. 

A/N: So a lot of crazy shit has happened. Hope you guys are enjoying this sequel so far. Before you say anything I have said that this sequel is of my own creation. I am not following the plot of season two. I'm taking a few details from it but only minute ones that don't affect the plot. I don't know yet if the whore Miranda will show up and I don't know if the Order Of The Dragon will play a part in it. I'm still planning where this is going. Thank you for sticking with me and reading my works, love you guys. Until next time. 

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