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When we got home, the boys had bought Burger King, which I liked so much more then McDonalds. We sat down all together, eating our burger's and in Ashton's case, chicken nuggets. I could see Weston glancing over at me every once and a while, but I didn't want to tell the other boys yet, I didn't want anything to change. Of course, I didn't get my way.

"Hey guys..?" Weston asked as I took a sip of my oreo shake. "Yeah what's up?" Brandon replied. "Mia and I are...." Weston bit his lip. "Dating." I looked up from my food to see the boys reaction. I saw the pain in their eyes, and saw Hunter try to give us a smile. "Congrats!" He said, but I could tell he was faking it.

"Yeah, awesome." Brandon said, taking a sip of coke. Weston's phone rang, his favorite song, "Panda" playing through the kitchen. He pulled out his phone and grinned. "It's my mom." He said showing us the phone. "I'll be back." He got up and left the room, and seconds later I saw Hunter lean in a little bit.

"I'm not giving up yet." Hunter said with a smirk. I laughed, "Your funny." I bit into my burger. "I'm not either." Brandon added. I looked up into their eyes, they where grinning, but their eyes where serious. "I'm gonna do what ever it takes." Hunter said, just as Weston entered the room.

"My mom wanted to know how everything was going." Weston said sitting back down. "I told her great, and she wanted me to tell you guys hey." He took a sip of his water and leaned back. "She was wondering if we told Mia about... ya know..." He said, glancing at his hands. "What?" I asked. "Well we are going on tour..." Hunter said slowly. That meant I was going to be alone for how ever long they where gone. Worst summer ever. "And we talked to your dad..." He kept going. "He said you could come." They all smiled at me.

"No freaking way!" I said giving them a wide smile. "This tour isn't to big. It will be in Chicago, here in LA, and across the country in New York." I smiled. "This is going to be awesome!" I said. "And your not just a tag along." Brandon added. "You have a fan base to, and we made you a YouNow account, and gave you a shoutout. You now have over 90,000 followers." Brandon told me. "No way!" I shouted. "And we gave your youtube a shoutout, and you went from 100 subscribers to 6,000." Weston explained. "Oh my gosh guys!" I said, jumping up and giving them each a hug. "This is amazing!" I told them. "Just one thing..." Ashton said. "We leave tomorrow..."


Hey guys! In the next chapter I don't really want to go to much into depth about the packing and stuff, so after this happened, Mia went upstairs to pack, and they fell asleep :)

Hope you guys are enjoying the story so far! Love you all so much, make sure to comment and vote!

xoxo, Mia

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