The Date

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I opened the door, to see Weston, my idol, standing there, holding daisy's, my favorite kind of flowers. I was already blushing. "Hey." He said looking at me shyly. He handed the flowers to me. "Hey, thanks so much for asking me out." I said as confidently as I could. "Of course pretty lady." He said. As I turned around to put the flowers on the table next to the door, my dad appeared. "Do you guys want a picture?" He asked excitedly. Of course I did, but I didn't want to seem like the fangirl I really was. In a split second, Weston answered saying, "Yes! I need proof I went out with someone this gorgeous." He handed my dad his phone. My cheeks burned, and I felt dizzy.

I gave a giggle and went over back to Weston. He put his arm around my waist, and turned his head to look at me, I looked at him as my dad snapped the photo. It looked like we where really in love... I wish... "Awesome picture." Weston said taking his phone back. "I'll send it to you..." He rolled his eyes. "But I don't have your number beautiful!" I smiled as he handed his phone to me. I entered my number as he sent the picture.

My dad waved and shut the door. "Before we leave..." He said opening Instagram, "I gotta brag to all my homies." I smiled, as I did the same, posting the picture with a cute caption, "Everything happens for a reason, I met him for a reason, and I can tell you it's going to change my life." I looked over at his phone, and the caption was, "Going to be living with this beauty for a month, how lucky am I?" I blushed hard, as I put my phone away. "I called my limo instead of an Uber." He said blushing and putting his phone back to. The black limo pulled up, as a man called out, "Weston Koury and his girlfriend!" Weston laughed and grabbed my hand, leading me to the limo.

"Ladies first." He said, opening the door with a smile. He was such a gentleman. "Thanks!" I replied, getting into the limo. It had a TV, installed bar, a couch lining the whole car, a laptop, a mini fridge, I could go on forever. "So tell me about yourself." He said, scooting a little bit closer to me. "Well," I said, trying to think. "I'm from Boston, and I sing, dance, act and model." I blushed, I never told anyone that, only posted about it on social media. "Dang Mia." Weston said, lightly punching my shoulder. I laughed. "What about you Weston?" I asked, even though I thought I knew everything about him.

"Well, firstly, I feel like I can really open up to you, which is why i'm going to be spilling the stupidest shit today." He said laughing, and placing his hand on mine, which was resting in my lap. I smiled and looked down at our hands. "I got bullied a lot in school." He said looking down at our intertwined hands. "Now everyone I meet just wants me for fame." He had a sad look in his eyes. "Not me..." I whispered. "I know." He replied, looking up at me, out eyes locking.

The car pulled to a stop, and seconds later, the driver opened the door for us.

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