Chapter Six

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  By the time Soraru finished teaching MafuMafu how to read and write, it was already late in the evening. MafuMafu yawned and stretched in his chair, looking exhausted.

"Tired?" Soraru questioned with a small, slightly amused smile.

MafuMafu nodded in response.

"Well, I can put some pillows and stuff on the couch for you if you want to go to sleep now," Soraru offered. "I'm not really all that tired yet, so I think I'm going to stay up for a little while."

"No, I'm fine," MafuMafu replied.

"Are you sure? You looking pretty tired," Soraru pointed out.

MafuMafu nodded again, this time more vigorously. "I'm sure. I want to stay up with you, Soraru-san."

Soraru shrugged; there really wasn't any point in arguing. "Suit yourself, but I can't guarantee you won't get bored. I have some stuff I need to work on, so I probably won't say much for a while."

"That's alright, I'll just entertain myself," MafuMafu responded.

"Though, I can't really work if you're sitting at my desk," Soraru stated.

MafuMafu got the hint and quickly stood up, nearly tripping over the chair's legs in the process. "Oh, sorry! I'll get out of your way now!"

Soraru sat down on what was previously MafuMafu's chair, pulled out a few sheets of paper that had things messily scribbled on them, and got to work. For a while, MafuMafu sat at the edge of Soraru's bed and watched him with curiosity. Soraru seemed so focused on what he was doing, almost like he was oblivious to everything else. At first, this made MafuMafu afraid to disturb him, but as the white-haired male's boredom grew, this fear left him and he decided to see if Soraru really was oblivious to things. MafuMafu started by going up to Soraru and standing in a place where the other male could definitely see him.

"Soraru-san," MafuMafu called.

Soraru didn't even look up. Thinking that this must not be enough, MafuMafu began to do other obnoxious things to get Soraru's attention, like rolling around on the floor, saying Soraru's name repeatedly, and making weird noises while standing behind him. Eventually, Soraru got fed up with all of the distraction attempts and decided to put an end to it.

"Just shut up, you're noisy!" Soraru practically yelled while turning around to glare at MafuMafu.

MafuMafu stopped what he was doing and blinked at Soraru for a few moments, before he laughed softly. "Oh, I finally got your attention. I was starting to think you really were dead to the world, Soraru-san."

Soraru scowled and put what he had been working on away. "Whatever, I should just stop for tonight. I'll never get anything done with you around, anyway."

"Does that mean we're going to sleep now?" MafuMafu asked.

Soraru sighed while getting up from his seat. "Might as well."

MafuMafu grinned and flopped onto Soraru's bed. "Yay! I'm super tired."

"I told you that I'd set up the couch for you, but you said no," Soraru pointed out.

"That's because I wanted to sleep in here with you, Soraru-san," MafuMafu stated.

"What? No, you can't do that," Soraru said incredulously. MafuMafu couldn't be serious.

MafuMafu used his arms to prop himself up and fixed Soraru with a questioning gaze. "Why not? You let me do it last night."

"Yeah, but that was back when I thought you were just some poor cat that was left on the street!" Soraru exclaimed.

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