Chapter 2: School

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{Yugi's POV}

My eyes fluttered open as I struggled around. I heard the sound of metal from above. I lookd up and saw myself chained to the ceiling.

I heard the door creak open as I wiggled around.

"Calm down." A deep baritone voice said.

'Wait, baritone? It couldn't be...' I thought to myself as I continued struggling with the chains.

I looked up only to be blindfolded.

"Y-Yami, is that you?" My tone of voice full of worry.

I heard a deep chuckle as I felt hands on my own, and on my one side of my cheeks.

"Y-Yami?" I could feel his hot breath against my ear, my body shivered on its own as I panted.

"Yes?" He asked in a seductive voice.

{Yami's POV}

I could feel Yugi's body shiver under my touch. I smirked devilishly as I bit his outer earlobe.

"W-what a-are you- Ahh~" Yugi moaned as I started to nip his neck.

This is the first time that I was interested to someone to this extent. I have never found such a perfect person to reply to my needs.

I could hear his adorable voice moan once again as I rubbed his erected cock with my knee.

"Feel nice?" I seductively asked in his ear as I could feel his body shiver again. He slowly and shyly nodded as my pants tighten harshly around my cock. "Then do you still hate me?"

He snapped open his eyes and glared at me for a few seconds. "Of course I do. From the bottom of my hea- Ahh~!" He moaned again once I nibbled at his neck

The torture continued for poor little Yugi as he was stuck, chained to the ceiling wall.


The next day had came and Yugi was freed by Yami. He walked down the hall to his classroom, only to be greeted by his friends.

Yugi sighed as he greeted them. Yugi was actually trying to avoid them for the whole day. He didn't want them to know what happened to him.


"Yugi." Yami called out as he stepped near Yugi's form.

Yugi could only pant harshly.

"You will be going to school today." Yami explained as kissed away his tears.

Yugi nodded as tears fall from his eyes again and again.

"But, you will not speak of this to anyone, alright?" Yami smirked as he kept licking Yugi's tears. "Or I'll be forced to do something terrible to them."

Yugi shuddered as he felt Yami's tongue gently touch his eyelids.

"I will ask a driver to pick you up from home and to." Yami continued explaining, "You are allowed to go anywhere as long as you don't run away."

Yugi nodded in understanding again as Yami gently removed Yugi's chains. Yugi fell down but Yami caught him in his arms before he could touch the ground. He carried Yugi bridal-style to his bedroom where clothers were laid out for him.

"You can go take a bath. Your clothes are on the bed and you can come to the kicthen after you've finished." With that, Yami left the room and headed downstairs to where the kitchen was.

After Yami had left, Yugi stripped himself of his clothing and took a quick shower before he left the room, wearing the clothes Yami gave him.

Yugi walked down the stairs as he looked around the house in awe. It had 2 floors with the exception of the second floor being only a quarte of the room. You can see from the railings where everything is. The kitchen, living room, and dining table were in the first floor. There were many doors and furniture.

Yugi continued walking down the stairs as he caught a glimpse of Yami cooking what seemed to be bacon and pancakes. Yugi uncontiously ran downstairs to peek on Yami.

"Wait for a while, breakfast is almost done." Yami stated as he flipped a pancake. Yugi took a step back as he glanced at Yami one more time before he walked towards the couch.

He sat down and waited a while as he heard Yami turn the stove off. "Come on." Yami waved a bit at Yugi as he laid the plates down on the table.

Yugi stood up and walked towards the dining table and took a seat. His eyes gleamed as he scanned the food. Yami laid a glass down in front of Yugi and himself as he himself took a seat across from Yugi. "Dig in." Yami said as he took a bite of his pancakes.

Yugi looked back and forth from Yami and the food as he stared in awe. Yami smiled a genuine smile as he saw how Yugi's sparkled as he tasted the pancakes.

Breakfast when by fast as Yami put the dishes in the sink, washing his hands after. After everything was done, he walked to where Yugi was and proceeded outside where a limo was waiting for them.

Yami stepped inside and Yugi followed his every move. The way to school was very quite as Yugi accidentally fell asleep on Yami's shoulder.

Yami laid Yugi's head on his lap as he caressed his hair.


"So Yug', where've you been?" Yugi heard Joey ask in his thick brooklyn accent.

"I... Well I made..." Yugi thought about it for a moments before he said, "A new friend...?"

"And who is that friend?" Tea asked as she came up from behind Yugi.

Yugi was about to answer as the devil himself came.

"Hello Yugi." Yami greeted as he tapped Yugi's shoulder.

"Yami-kins!" Tea ran to Yami and tried to kiss him.

Yami pushed her away as Yugi felt a tear fall down. "Sorry. I'm only interested in Yugi." Yami chuckled as Tea arched her eyebrow in anger.

Tea immediately smacked Yugi on his face. "You bitch! What did you do to my Yami?!"

Yami swiftly moved in front of her and slapped her in return. He walked up to Yugi and scanned his face for any serious injuries.

"W-what are you doing, Yami-kins? You're mine!" Tea yelled as everybody held her back.

"I was never yours, and you were never mine." He glanced at Yugi who held his own cheek and turned his head to face Tea. He smirked and said, "I am only interested in him." Yami leaned towards Yugi's face and kissed him on the lips.

Yugi blushed 10 shades of red and made hand movements. Yami smirked through the kiss and looked at Tea, who was ready to explode. Ysami annoyed her by pulling Yugi's neck nearer to his face, deepening the kiss.

They parted and Yugi hid behind Yami, while the others just stared.

"W-what is this about, Yug'?" Joey asked as he gulped.


Yori: Yay! Sensei finally updated! School sucks and she's too lazy to weite another chapter! ^^

Kira: Write more. And you also have those new books to publish.

Yori: *pouts* I don't own YGO, I only own the plot...

Yugi: I'm getting terrified of the outcome.

Yami: Hey don't worry. *kisses Yugi and slips hand under shi-*

Tea: And see you next time!

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