Chapter 2~

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A/N: first comment on each chapter, I will dedicate the chp to you! Thanks for reading!

~Chapter 2~ [edited!]

Thom Rado broke me. He was my first boyfriend, freshman year. We were going out for nearly a year when I found out that he cheated on me and I dumped his sorry ass. The worst part is that he took my v-card and after I dumped him he spread rumors saying that he dumped me because I wasn’t “a good fuck.” Because of that, I’m commitment-phobic. My rebound, Blake, made it a whole month before I became too skittish to remain in the relationship. Blake’s a good very friend of mine now. Since I cannot stay in a relationship, I move on from guy to guy before he can get bored of me. It’s now my habit and often, I'm the one that cheats first. Other girls think I’m a slut, but I don’t care what they say. I won’t be hurt like that again. Zach is a player; he has a different bimbo every other week. It was some sort of silent agreement that we would stay away from each other, mostly because of our past together.

Zach drives off in his own vehicle and I head back towards home. I have to do Sydney’s hair and make-up for her dance recital. Mom has to work today, all day. She works so hard to make up for Dad being gone. Tomorrow I have volleyball. Hello, scholarship.

I walk into the house a few minutes later and see Sydney on the computer, same as when I left. “Ready to do your make-up, Babe?” I ask her.

She nods enthusiastically and leads me to mom’s old vanity. All of the make-up is waiting for us. Sydney slides into the plush velvet chair in front of the smooth mahogany wood. I start with her hair, the same mahogany brown as mine. I notice that Mom is gone; she must have left for work while I was out car hunting with Zach.

Her hair is to be pulled back into a high ponytail with a few bang pieces left out and curled. I turn on the curling iron and use the wax to pull her hair back. Sydney just sits patiently while I work; we’ve done this a lot. I curl the loose strands and then work to curl the hair in her ponytail.

After about 45 minutes of working, her hair is done and it’s time for her make-up. I cover her face with foundation, add light blue eye shadow that matches her costume, and carefully apply the blue glitter eyeliner and mascara. When I’m finished, she puts on her costume and it’s time to go.

The whole drive to the one theatre in town she’s laughing and clapping her hands excitedly. Syd loves dance recitals. I personally hate them. It forces me to socialize with the snobby bitch parents of her dance team. They don’t approve of me. I know that Bitch Four has a son that is a freshman at West High school, where I have quite the reputation. I can tell in the disapproving glances they give me, the way they whisper to one another when they see me. They think that I’m the definition of teenage whore.

I make my way there, arms crossed, sunglasses still on. They can’t notice my bloodshot eyes, or they’ll ask questions. I don’t want my mom to find out about my wild night of alcohol and tattoos. Once they start getting nosy, I know that I will wind up taking a swing at every last one of them. I just don’t have the patience today. Luckily, they ignore me as they always do when I come instead of my mom. They also make snide comments about me in hushed voices, like they always do.

The dance recital feels long. I love to see Sydney dance; she’s absolutely amazing. Our dad used to be a powerhouse linebacker in college and our mom played basketball in the NWBA for about five years before retiring to marry my dad and start a family. Needless to say, we are a family of super athletes. Andrea was our soccer player, and a varsity athlete freshman year. I really don’t feel like watching Syd dance today; I just want to go home and relax.

“We were thinking of going out together to the pizza parlor. Just for something fun for the girls” Carly’s mom, Bitch One, tells me.

“Ok,” I shrug.

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