Chapter 1~

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~Chapter 1~ [edited:)]

"Kenz, fancy meeting you here," Zach Miller says from behind me. His breath fans across my neck making me shiver slightly. I'm standing inside the restaurant that my best friend Meghan Flom told me to go to. She supposedly had a hot date planned out for me. I knew I shouldn’t have gone along with her “fun” blind date idea.

"What are you doing here, Zach?" I ask coldly. He is so obnoxious and annoying sometimes. We have a very complicated love-hate relationship.

He smirks, "Blind date. Jack set me up with his girlfriend's hot friend. I said, 'Hook me up!'"

I frown, "Me too, Meghan set me up with her boyfriend's hot friend."

"Meghan is Jack's girlfriend!" Zach says with a wide smile.

"No, really, moron?" I ask while rolling my eyes.

Zach smirks again, he really should trademark it. "I think you're who I got set up with," he says slowly.

I clap my hands sarcastically, "Well, congrats to you! This guy has a brain."

"Hey, be nice!" he scolds playfully.

I scowl at him, "Bite me!"

He picks up my wrist and holds it close to his lips. "Is here okay?" he asks with a smug smirk.

"You're a moron, you know that?" I ask.

"I think you have already mentioned that particular piece of information," he says dryly.

“Ugh, I need a drink,” I say without thinking about how much I hate alcohol. I just need something to alleviate my Zach-induced headache.

“This way,” he says and drags me off to the bar.

* * * * *

"Zach," I slur.

"Don't think, just drink," he rhymes with a goofy smile. He hands me a full shot glass and picks up one of his own. "Bottoms up!" he drawls.

I finish my shot first and slam the glass down. "I win!"

"Well to congrats you," he says with a pout.

"Zach," I try again.

"Tender-bar! Another round for her me and I!" he slurs, ignoring me.

So we both slam one down and take a round of beers in replacement. My head is feeling woozy, but I'm having too much fun to stop.

"Zach! Alcohol enough that's!" I say stupidly.

"I swear to drunk, I'm not God, Kenzie," he says with a lopsided smile.

"Let's go," I fight through to haze to speak coherently. I take his hand firmly in my own and we leave the bar.

* * * * *

Ugh. My head is pounding. My eyelids are red with the light shining on the other side. I open my eyes, but the light is piercing and sends a sharp pain through my brain. So I close them again.

My forearm hurts in a sore kind of way and I feel like I'm lying in an awkward position. My hand explores my surroundings. I feel someone’s skin, not my own and my searching fingers freeze. I wrench my eyes open, wincing in pain. I'm in my own bed, lying across Zach's chest fully clothed. I even still have my shoes on; or at least one of them anyway. Zach is missing his shirt and is still sleeping.

"Oh crap," I groan. My voice cracks to my embarrassment.

"Shh!" Zach whispers. He slowly brings his free arm to his face and put one finger against his lips. His other arm is wound around my waist.

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