Chapter 5- The Mistake of Using Dragon Whisperer Blood.

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Jabian ran into the Injured Dragon Keep and immediatly found Specktra.

"Whats wrong with her!" Jabian asked, keeping his distance.

Idia, a girl Dragon Healer, looked at Specktra in fright, shaking her head, "I-I don't know! She started.. She let out a little cry and then started to shake violently!"
Its true. Specktra was shaking so severly that the side of the walls were starting to cave in.

"Wheres Roes?" Jabian asked, refering to his best Dragon Healer.

"Here, sir." Said Roes running up beside Jabian with a little jar filled with a wierd, bright blue substance.

Jabian looked at the jar with worry, "What is that?"
"When the Worriors attacked Specktra here, they had something on the end of there Swords called *Higrath*, it is very poisinouse to Dragons." Roes said, ducking quickly as Specktra's tail came flying dangerously towards him.

Jabian glanced at the jar again, "Bu-but why do you have.. That?"

Roes stood more straighter, "Well, this is, sadly, they only way we can save Specktra."
"And my daughter?"
"And your daughter." Roes said.

"Hurry! Her hearts slowing!" A Dragon Healer said from the oppisite side of  Specktra.

Roes ran towards Specktra and dropped a couple drops of the glowing substance into Specktra's wounds.

Jabian watched, feeling guilty. The substance that Roes is pooring into Specktra is the blood of all, from day one, of the Dragon Whisperer's blood. Mix them together, and you'll get a great power.

He didn't know what was going to become of his daughter. Well it be a good thing? Bad thing? She could grow and extra limb, or become powerful. You never know until you try it.

But the Ancient Blood is highly off limits. It is kept in the Injured Dragons Keep under a Dragons bed, where no one could get it but trained profesionals.

Roes ran over to Specktra and poured some in Specktra's wounds. 
Specktra suddenly stopped, and her whole figure began to light up, blinding everybody in the room.

Lucia backed away slowly as her daughter began to glow a bright blue. She covered her eyes as the glow intinsifeyed.
"Gaberiela!?" She screamed, scared that this is a sign that her daughter was dieing.

"Gaberiela!!" She screamed again as the bright light was so bright that it started to burn her skin(don't ask how.).

Then, it stopped. Lucia looked up slowly, frightined of what she might see.

But she didn't see anything. Literaly.
Gaberiela wasn't on the bed. "Ga-Gaberiela?" Lucia asked, looking around.

She let out a small gasped when she seen Gaberiela, 6 feet off the ground, floating in mid-air.

She still looked uncouncous, but her hands were out and her feet were straight, her toes pointing down and her hair blowiing out like wind was hitting her in the face.

"Oh dear, Gaberiela! Gaberiela what are you doing!? Wake up!" Lucia cried. Although her please for her daughter to snap out of whatever trance she was in, she kept her distance.

Suddenly, Gaberiela's eyes opened. Lucia gasped, her eyes were glowing like she was only a few minutes ago.

Gaberiela's mouth fell open and a bright glow escaped.

Lucia didn't know what to do. She had never seen this happen before. She stood against the walls, hoping for all of this to be over..

"Mom." Came a voice Lucia did not reconize.

"Mother." She heard it again, but this time, she knew it came from Gaberiela.

She looked up at her, and fear ripped threw her when she seen that Gaberiela looking at her. Her eyes still glowing, her hair still blowing, arms still out, and still 6 feet off the ground.
"Y-Yes?" Lucia asked, pushing against the wall.

Gaberiela slowly started to drop until she was only about a foot off the ground. She slowly started to advance on Luca, who's fear kept growing and growing.

Gaberiela stopped when her face was a few inches away from her moms, and Lucia screamed when Gaberiela fell on her.

It took her a second to figure out that Gaberiela was not trying to attack her, but when she did, she immediatly went to her aid.

She laid her on her back and pushed her now flat hair out of her face, "Gaberiela?" She whispered.

Gaberiela groaned, "My... My eyes hurt."
Lucia grinned and hugged her daughter, "Your alright."
Gaberiela shook her head, waking herself up. She pushed her mom off her and stood up, "Of course I'm alright. But wheres Specktra? And, and Draco and Dainn?"
Lucia's grin slowly turned into a frown.
"Whats wrong?" Gaberiela asked, assuming the worst.

"Honey," Lucia started, tears forming in her eyes, "Theres no easy way to say this..."
 Gaberiela shook her head. She knew it. There was a feeling in her gut. "No. He'll get better, right? He can't die, mom. He can't."
Lucia bit her bottom lip, "Honey, he's already dead."
Gaberiela froze, "What."
A red tear slid down Lucia's face, "The Worriors showed no mercy towards the male dragon. Spear straight threw the skull."
Gaberiela sat down and put her hands threw her hair.
Anger and sadness over whelmed her. He can't be dead... He can't leave her...

Gaberiela stood up, desprate to go find Draco, "I'll find him." She said.

Lucia stared at her daughter, "No, Gaberiela lay down, your still healing!"

Gaberiela shook her head, "No, I'm going to find him."
"Now, Gaberiela. You'll bust your wounds open and we might not be able to save you this time," Lucia said, "And I'm not going to let you die."
She grabbed Gaberiela's arm, and she immediatly took it as a threat.

"Mom, let go of my arm." She said, glaring at her moms hand.

Lucia kept a firm stare on Gaberiela, "Lay. Down."
Gaberiela and Lucia glared into eachothers eyes for a couple minutes, before Lucia started to see a change in Gaberiela's eyes as they grew brighter.

"One more chance," Gaberiela threatened, "Let go, now."
Lucia did nothing but tightend her grip.

Now, Gaberiela's eyes were as bright as they had been when she was laying on the table. And then in a blink of an eye, Lucia was thrown into the wall by a gush of wind, along with all the other objects in the room.

Lucia looked up, shocked, to find her daughter a foot off the ground, her hair blowing back, eyes bright, and teeth bared.

"I'm going to find Draco." Gaberiela said, and then flew out of the room.
Lucia stared in shock after her, before getting up and running out of the room towards the Injured Dragon Keep.

"Jadian!" She cried, but then went silent when she got a good look at Specktra.

Specktra was laying the middle of the floor, a bright light outlined her. Every other scale was bright, and her eyes were also bright.

"Wheres Gaberiela?" Lucia heard Specktra say.

Lucia gasped, "How did she do that?"
Jadian looked at her sadly, "We had to use the past Dragon Whisperer blood. How's Gaberiela? Is she ok?"
Lucia glared at him, "She's diffrent. Flew out of the room."
Specktra perked up at this.

She let out a roar and then moved her winds, fluttering them twice, she then shot up out of the room, leaving a gigantic wall in the cieling.

"FIND HER AND GABERIELA!" Jadian yelled, and everyone ran out of the room after Specktra. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2011 ⏰

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