Chapter 3-As Though I Was Dead.

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Its like, no matter what I do, It's always going to be wrong.

"Another wrong turn." Draco said. Coming to a stop.

I hit my forhead, "Why is everything I do wrong?"

Draco looked at me, "What do you mean?"

I sighed sarcasticly, "You know what I mean. I unbounded my tribe, my family. That was wrong. I made you become unbound-" "You didnt make me do anything." "Ya but if I wouldnt of did it would you of?"

"Does it matter?" 

I stared at him. Of course it mattered. It mattered to me any way. He should be living with the other Beautiful Disasters. Not having to follow me around into another death trap of giant snakes.

"Yes. It does matter Draco." I said, looking ahead of me.

"Why?" He said in a whisper.

"Because you shouldnt of left because of me." I said.


I looked at him with a hurt expression. That was the first time someone had yelled at me, that wasnt my mother or father.

"Then why did you?"

"I've been wanting to leave for a long time. But I didnt want to be the only one. So-" "AHHH!"

We both looked in the sky in wich the cry came from.

"Guards." We said at the same time.

"SPECTRA!" "DAINNI!" We yelled at the same time, running the way we just came from.

Why had we left our dragons on there own? Wow. Another fail from me.

There was a dragon cry, and I dropped to my knee's.

"Gaberiela! Whats wrong?" Draco cried, bending down next to me.

My hands held the place that burnt, right above my belly button. It stung. It hurt to breath. 

My breathes came in short and small gasps, as I slowly moved my hands to find my blue-purple shirt stained with my metalic blood.

My breathing became more rigid as I seen this, and is stung even more.

Tears of bright red rained down my face in pain, and fear. What had they done to Spectra?

"Gaberiela! What happened?" He asked.

I let out a painful yell as another pain formed.

I clutched my heart. Not able to breathe anymore. The pain had maximized, and was unbearable.

I grabbed ahold of the skin blocking my heart, someone had stabbed Spectra twice. Once in the abdomen, and once in the heart.

There was no doubt in my mind that Spectra was dead.

Why? Because now, I lay lump on the ground. Hard as stone, cold as ice. 

Beautiful Disasters-Gaberiela, The Dragon Whisperer Runaway.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя