Unknown Past (The Mortal Instruments Fanfic)

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She grew up with Magnus Bane and the Lightwoods. She never told her name to anyone so she just took up the name "Maggie Bane" as Magnus given her. Maggie trained with Alec and Isabelle on a daily basis because she needed too. Maggie  didn't meet the adopted sibling on her first day and when she met him, shock was written all over her face because of the boy's look.  The adopted Lightwood looked almost exactly like Jonathan. With his good looks and all but she was determined to forget Sebastian. In the years of adjusting with the Lightwoods she had nightmares and scars appearing on the different parts of her body. When Marsye saw this she asked Maggie to talk to Magnus about it. So she asked Magnus about it and he told her that  the connection between me and Sebastian is different. One day,  her parabatai rune started itching terribly and it only means one thing, He's near. She knew this means that Jonathan and Valentine is out to get her already. She hated Jonathan with all her might because he left her alone in the dark. The thing is that they are only looking for her and they would hurt anyone that would get in there way. So she left Magnus with a note indicating that she was leaving for their safety and she asked him not to tell the Lightwoods her disappearance. So that was the last time they saw the girl known as "Maggie Bane".





                Third Person POV

Everyone was usually training hard for this day because they had nothing to do. One was practicing with his bow and arrow, the other one with her whip, and two well may say the couple are practicing with a duel match. It was a really a normal day in the Institute for them but everything changed just in a blink of an eye. Alec was really focused on his target but all of a sudden he lost his aim when they hear a loud noise coming from the outside. So everybody grabbed weapons of their choice before heading outside because it could be a demon attack. They had their shadowhunter agility when they sneaked outside to check what is happening. When they reached the source of the noise they saw Marsye talking to Magnus but there was something different he was looking so tired and he was holding a bloody and injured girl in his hands. Alec wanted to ask his mother what was happening but they were in a deep conversation so the group decided to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"Why are you here Magnus?! We hadn't contact for years after she left! Now you come back holding a bloody girl in your hands! Who is that girl your holding?!" Marsye shouted at Magnus angry.

"You're going to be so pissed when I tell you this but we need to get her to the infirmary fast! She lost a lot of blood already!" Magnus replied worriedly.

"I'm not going to let you in with a bloody girl because you said so! Who the hell is she?! Just tell me!" Marsye shouted back.

"It's Maggie" He murmured.

Marsye Lightwood stood there in shock because she never thought she would see her again. Marsye loved the girl deeply because she wanted another girl just like Isabelle but things drifted apart in her family. While their mother was frozen in shock the Lightwood duo was frozen in shock too. Alec wanted to run and take that "bloody girl" from Magnus's hand and Izzy wanted to weep beside her because she was the sister she never had.

Marsye immediately went into action and led Magnus with the girl to the infirmary. The group followed them quietly while the Lightwood duo was still frozen in shock. When they entered the infirmary Magnus told Marsye to get some things from downstairs. So Marsye went immediately outside to get the things but she didn't expect that her children would stop her.

                "Who was that?" Isabelle asked on the verge of tears

"It's nothing dear just another injured shadowhunter that Magnus found." Marsye replied with a lie that sounded like a pathetic excuse to get rid of her children at the sight of Maggie.

"Mom tell us the truth! Don't lie to us!" Isabelle shouted at her mother.

"I'm so sorry Izzy that you and Alec had to see her that way. I need to get some stuff would you please keep Max out of here." Marsye replied fastly  then she headed immediately where the things Magnus needed was there.

Alec put his back on the wall and slid down into a depressed yet thankful state. They didn't expect that she was going to return because they had lost hope for the past years that she was ever coming back. He never wanted to be mean to Clary as she adjusted on becoming a shadowhunter it's just hard for him to know that a shadowhunter comes back to her roots unlike Maggie never did. Alec thought girls would be always like that because of his perspective of Izzy but when he met Maggie everything changed.

Izzy sat down beside her brother and she put her head on his shoulder. They needed to share both of their strength now because they felt weak and helpless. She wanted to cry so badly but she remembered what Maggie said to her before "Show them no tears". So she tried to be strong for Maggie and she just wanted to her be alright again.

Jace and Clary just sat down a few meters away from the Lightwood siblings. Clary didn't understand why Jace wasn't affected that much but he was staring into the wall thinking about something. Maggie came to the Lightwoods as a surprise to Jace. He never opened up to anyone yet because he hadn't adjusted to the Institute yet. So one day he was training he heard a beautiful sound coming from the Library . So he stopped training and followed the tune of the music. Jace always loved classical music because he played the piano so when he found the source of the sound he saw Maggie playing the violin. He was so enchanted with her because the way she played was with grace. Maggie stopped playing and she saw Jace. That was the start of their friendship.

While everyone was thinking deeply about their thoughts, Clary was focused on what was happening. She was about to ask Jace something when they were shocked when they heard her scream so loud that it pierced through the glass windows of the Institute.






Unknown Past (The Mortal Instruments Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora