Chapter 15

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Mac's POV

I saw his name tag and well I guessed I panicked when I saw the letters
A-U-S-T-I-N aka Austin. Austin the hottie with the swimmers body. Austin the man of my dreams, literally. I order my drink and sit down at a table. Austin appears and says "here you go(looks at name on the cup and smiles) Mac, what a beautiful name." you blush and smile like no tomorrow and say "Thank you ( look at the name tag to lose awkwardness) Austin." "So beautiful, I gotta get back to work but when I finish in 15 minutes mind going for a walk after?"
"yeah, sure, yeah I can do that" I said.

15 minutes later

I fixed my hair and finished drinking my Ice Capp. And than Austin appeared. I can't believe he is real.

Austin- A, Mac- M

A-Hey Mac
M-Hi Austin
A- So tell me about yourself,
how old are you?, What school do you go to?, when's your birthday?, are you single?
M- 15, Mountain Hill High, December 10th, and yes I am
M- now tell me about yourself
A- 15, Louis' Dale, March 21st and yes but I am hoping not for long (winks)
M- well I don't know you looking for anyone?
A- well there is one girl that I think would be a great person to talk on a date 😉
M- and who may that be
A- I was thinking you
M- know I don't know what you have been thinking because nobody has asked me out before
A- Mac it would be an honour to take you to Wimpy's ( a dinner in Canada) on a first of many dates
M- well for it to be a honour, accept it within my highest ability
(Giggles/ laughs from both)
A- I want to plan the whole date and it be a surprise. I think there is something special with that.
M- that would be wonderful
A- can I see your phone
M- sure
(Passes phone)
A- 647-555-3679
M- I don't know what you expect me to do, considering you said that you would plan the whole date. 647-345-6789 is mine just in case you wanted it
A- oh I sure do
A- I will pick you up at 6 o'clock tomorrow night dress casual but somewhat formal
M- ok, I will

Mac's POV

We both walked away and went are separate ways. I am so excited to go out with him, I am so excited to see if he is the man of my dreams. Corny I know but that's my corny and weird life. maybe I only thing I had to do was to stop looking to find.

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