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If you have opened up this book, you were probably scrolling around Wattpad aimlessly with tears on your face because of some stupid boy, if not you found this on a recommended list or it just popped up on your feed. Either way, if you opened this book, you're struggling with boys.

The reason I'm writing this book is because I'm struggling with a boy and decided that I should share the knowledge I have gained from doing stupid things.

Before we start getting into the other stuff, let me make one thing clear.

It's not the end of the world.

It's going to be alright. Whoever this guy is you're dealing with, you're going to get over it and you're going to survive (unless it's Donald Trump God help us all). Yeah, you're going (or made) a fool of yourself, you're going to mess up, and you're going to think its the end of the world.

It's not the end of the world.

Next, guys aren't your whole world either. Don't let them screw you up, don't let them manipulate you, don't let them humiliate you, and don't let them get between you and your friends. You're an amazing, cool, and beautiful girl that hundreds of guys would fall for, maybe not that one guy you're dealing with, but so many more.

As a Catholic, I believe in true love. I believe that somewhere in this big world of ours, is the love of my freaking life. Somebody out there loves me so much, I just don't know it yet. Someone is out there for you too, and once you meet them you will think that this boy you're hung up on was just a huge joke. So take it easy, because like I've repeated again and again, it's not the end of the world.

I also believe that everything happens for a reason. I think the reason I completely messed up with this guy was so I could enlighten other girls so they don't fall into traps or get manipulated, even if it wasn't, I have a few experiences in my own belt for the future.

So if you ever have a gut wrenching feeling you did something horribly wrong, don't feel too bad (unless you killed someone, thats just wrong) because it was supposed to happen.

Even if whatever god or unseen controller of this universe decided that everything doesn't have a reason, it's done. It's over. It's in the past. You will move on. So chill girl.

Throughout this book, I'm going to be going to go through each phase of liking a boy, and explaining ways to get through it, from my experiences (and I've liked a lot of boys). Note: I have had very few and meaningless boyfriends, so I'm not experienced too experienced in the breakup field, but I'm sure I could still answer questions on it.

Which brings me to this. If you have any questions or need advice, feel free to throw your concerns in the comments or message me via Wattpad. I also welcome anyone who wants to give advice to comment or message me and I will put it in the book if it's useful.

This is going to be a fun ride.

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