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"Third order in the past hour for Pavel Chekov! It's is on me this time." I called out, leaning over the counter, coffee one hand, my chin resting in the other. I grinned as he walked over, rubbing his eyes sleepily. He took the coffee from my hand and took a deep swing.
"You are a godsend." He sighed happily, his accent heavier in his exhaustion. His pupils were dilated. His fingers drummed against the counter quickly.
"I am worried about your coffee dependency. I am cutting you off right now. No more coffee until tomorrow." I decided. Looking out the window, I realized how dark it was. The coffeehouse was emptying. I glanced at the clock behind me. Eleven o'clock.
"Ah, no!" Pavel cried out. "I have to turn this essay in tomorrow or I get in tons of trouble. Don't kick me out yet."
"I am not kicking you out, I am kicking you off the coffee." I whispered. "I need to stay later, so you can stay until I leave, and then you leave. Got it?" I asked, getting up to lock the doors.
He didn't go back to his studies. "How old are you?" He asked me.
I feigned offense. "Mister Chekov! You cannot ask a lady that." I joked.
Pavel looked down embarrassed. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize."
"It is okay. I was just making a joke. I am eighteen. How old are you?" I asked, looking him up and down. He looked young, but I knew he was at Starfleet academy. He was a student of my brother's.
"Seventeen. Young, but I'm ambitious." Pavel said happily before turning around to sit back down. I sighed happily before sitting down on the counter, going through my PADD for a while before glancing at the time.
"Hey, Pavel! Are you done? I want to go home." I said, yawning heavily. He nodded and yawned back. We walked out of the coffeehouse together.
"Well, Sigma, thank you for all the coffee. Maybe I'll see you tomorrow?" Pavel asked, toying with his PADD.
"Perhaps. Have a nice night, Pavel."
As I turned around, he suddenly grabbed my hand and kissed me. I didn't respond at first, but in a moment my hands were at his shoulders, responding happily.
We broke apart, breathing heavily, then turned around and walked our opposite ways as if nothing had happened. My heart was hammering, and I couldn't wipe the stupid grin off my face. I arrived at my apartment, opening the door to my brother's face.
"Spock!" I squeaked. "You scared me."
"You came home later tonight. Why?" Spock asked as I sat down on the couch. I sighed and leaned my head on his shoulder.
"Because I had to close the shop. Tomorrow is the last day I work there then I am done with this Terran work. It's very odd, you know." I said, letting my eyes drift close. I heard Spock sigh and the weight next to me shifted, and he got off the couch.
Ten minutes later I felt him pick me up and bring me to my bedroom.
"Good night, sister."

Beyond the StarsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora