Amusement Park (gray)

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" Come on gray it's time to go" you say as you look in the mirror. Your wearing white shorts and a cute light blue top. "Coming babe". Wow Gray just keeps getting cuter everyday. He's wearing his camouflage tee-shirt with shorts, a SnapBack, and his ray bans. "Let's go y/n". Ok . It took a while to get there but it's great! "Grayson there's rollercoasters everywhere!" You look over at him and catch him staring at you. "What?😊" you ask. "Oh nothing I was just taking in my beautiful girlfriend" he says with a smirk on his face. "Let's go on this!" You yell and lock arms with gray and go to the waiting line. While you were waiting you two chatted about rides you've been on before. He really is great. The way his eyes sparkle and the way his smile is when you look at him. " y/n were next!" He says so playful. "Ok". As you were getting on the ride you started getting nervous. "Uhhhh gray should we go on this"looking at the ride. Yeah it'll be so fun!" Okay.... Grayson sees how nervous you are so he kisses you before the ride started. " y/n I will never do something with you that will get you hurt." "Now let's have some fun"he says. "Okay!" He really knows how to take my doubts away.

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