chapter 24

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*one week later*

Today was the day we were going to pick up Sierra and Brent from the airport.

These past week, I've gotten text from that unknown saying like "stay away from the boys" or "kill yourself" and stuff like that. I ignore the text and go on with my life.

My mom picked me and Cameron up and headed off to the airport.

"Sierra!" I yelled, running to the baggage claim where I saw her.

I hugged her and greeted Brent.

"So how is little Dallas?" Brent asked.

"Great, what about you?"


We drove home as my mom told Sierra the news.

"The past month, I found a boy I really like. He has 2 kids, Claire and Garret. His name is Tyler and I think you will like him. Claire took over your room by the way. I want you to meet them later. You are staying with me until you leave." She said, talking to Sierra.

I rolled my eyes and whispered to her.

"Sierra, your staying with us at the mansion."

She agreed and told my mom.

"But mom, I want to stay with my siblings. Plus, we won't have a room to stay in." She begged.

"I will let you stay but you 4 have to come over to meet them."

"We already did!" Me and Cameron said.

"Sierra and Brent hasn't."

We pulled up to the house and I walked in, without knocking.

Claire gave me a death glare and continued doing her makeup, downstairs.

"So how much was this makeup from Claire's and Justice?" I asked.

"It's actually from Ulta."

I laughed and continued playing on my phone.

Man, Garret is always on that phone. I don't think I've ever seen him off of it.

"Sierra, this is Claire and Garret." My mom said, pointing at them.

That's when Tyler walked out, in a robe.

"Put some clothes on." Cameron said.

I laughed and agreed.

"Young man, no disrespect in this house."

"This is not your house." Sierra said, I could tell she didn't like him either.

"Kids!" My mom yelled.

Tyler shook her and but she didn't shake back.

"Um mom, I really have to get unpacking at home before lunch. I will visit you for the next week, okay?" Sierra asked, trying to escape.

"Okay, be safe. Don't get in trouble." She said as she hugged us.

"Yeah, don't learn from Tavia to be bad." Clare said.

"Don't learn from how to do makeup from "@cupcakeclare1009" on Instagram!" I yelled.

Yes, I knew her username. It was so catchy.

We arrived.

"Woah! Mom and Cameron bought this?" Sierra asked.

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