"Newt isn't like that." I shake my head. "He just stands up for everyone. He's a good guy."

We stay in silence for a few minutes, before Thomas speaks up.

"How long have you been here?"

"A few days." I shrug. "Thomas, do you remember anything from before you came here?"

He thinks for a moment, before speaking. "No. Why do you ask?"

"I just hoped you could give me answers. That's all." I reply. "But obviously, you know as much as the rest of us. Jack shit."

I stand from my spot, and dust the dirt from my pants.

"Alright Tommy, boy," I pull him up from the ground. "It's time for bed. If I keep you awake any longer, Alby's gonna kick my ass."


"Back the fuck away from me." I warn Chuck, sitting up from my sleeping bag. "I swear, I'll cut off your fingers, cook them, and eat them for breakfast if you don't leave."

"Nice try, pancake." He giggles, using the burning pancake term. I guess I walked into that one. "But you'll only burn them. There ain't no use in cookin' 'em."

"Oh, you ASSHOLE!" I growl.

"Be nice." Alby steps into the converation, glaring at me. "And I thought I told you to stay away from him."

Thomas lays peacefully in the sleeping bag beside of me, softly snoring. I glance over to him, then back at Alby.

"You did," I nod. "I just didn't listen."

He huffs loudly, but ignores me. "Get up, shank." Alby nudges Thomas. "It's time for your tour."

"I want Garret and Nik." I tell Alby. "And I want the day off."

"You don't get anything until you start following orders, shank." He says coldly. "Besides, Nik and Garret are busy."

"I'm assuming that you're busy too, huh?" I raise an eyebrow. "Aren't you supposed to be working, too?"

"I am working." He snaps. "I have to tend to the Newbies, and any other slintheads that decide to break the rules. Last time I checked, you're on the top."

"Oh, cry me a river." I fake pout. "Is Alby saying I've been a bad girl?"

The look on his face goes from angry, to furious, in seconds. But still, I sit in my sleeping bag, waiting for him to do something.

"Keep it up, Newbie," His eyes narrow. "An' soon enough, you'll find yourself in a tough situation."

"What're you gonna do?" I stick my tongue out like Chuck did last night, crossing my arms over my chest.

"She's the only one that can talk to me like that." Alby's eyes dart to Thomas. "So don't get a big idea to dirty mouth me, without suffering the consequences."
"Actually, now that I'm thinking about it," I tap my chin. "Minho talks to you the same way as-"

"Slim it." Alby cuts me off. "While I'm taking Greenie here on a tour, keep yourself outta trouble. Got it?"

"Yes, captain." I salute him. "And by the way, I'm still going to steal Nik and Garret from their working posts."

"Whatever." He yanks Thomas away, and begins explaining the ways of the Glade.

I smile to myself, watching them.

Ya know what?

I think Alby's starting to like me.

"Hello?" Chuck snaps his fingers in front of my face. "Anyone home? Or will I have to come back later?"

final moments → THE MAZE RUNNER ✓Where stories live. Discover now