Chapter 9

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I laid in bed all morning the next day, holding the lilac in my hands. It was quiet but hot in my room. Then there was a knock on my door.

"Jessie," my papa said from the doorway.

"Yes, sir?" I asked as I sat up. I hid the lilac under the sheets.

"They're leaving.  Come say goodbye."

My papa left my room and I sprung up from my bed.  I tossed on some clothes, clean or dirty I didn't really care and shoved the lilac in my pocket.  I ran out of my room, outta the house, and outside to say goodbye.  Uncle Judd stood at one of the front windows and watched us.

"Do we have to go?" Jane whined as she held Carolyn tight, refusing to let go.

"Yes honey, I do believe so.  Important business back home," Uncle Tom said as he rubbed her head.  Jane let go of Carolyn unwillingly, waved to my papa and I and lept into the carriage.  Jacob shook my hand and gave me a smile.  I did the same back.  Then, Aunt Georgia and Uncle Tom said goodbye to my family.  Finally, Josiah gave me a walloping hug.

"That girl better watch for one more trick o' mine.  This'll really knock her out.  Trust me," Josiah said quietly and then chuckled.  He stepped into the carriage and they were off.  I could feel my eyes popping out of my head in worry.  Once they were outta sight, I darted to the backyard.

"Excuse me! Pardon me! Sorry! Greatly sorry!" I said as I ran past a bunch of working people.

"Sari! Sari!" I yelled as I spotted Sari planting flowers along the beds.

"What do you want, boy?" Sari said without looking at me.

"Listen, whatever you have against me, please put it away until a later time.  I need to find Lila.  She could be in grave danger right now and I don't want her or y'all to hate me anymore than you already do.  Please, where is she?"

"Why do you think you have the right to know after what you did to her?"

"Sari, please - "

"No you listen boy.  You could have been the bigger man.  The hero.  But you chose to be the boy.   The bastard.  Nothing honorable like I thought you were.  And - "

"Sari, how do you think I feel about all of this?! I care about all of y'all and doing all of that killed me on the inside!  I made a huge mistake that I regret!  Now please tell me where Lila is! Don't do something you'll regret because if she gets hurt, it'll be all your fault.  Please just tell me." I pleaded.

Sari stood in silence, looking at the flowers in her hands.

"She's down by the barns.  Before your family left, Josiah told her to tend to Bella Blue.  Jessie, what did he do?  Don't tell me he's gonna hurt my girl."

"If we don't hurry up, he might."

Sari and I took off toward the barns, pushing past tons of people in the process.  We yelled Lila's name but we got no answer.

"Start looking, Sari." I called to her.

"Lila, honey, where are you?" Sari called.

I then heard the ladder to the upper level of the barn open.  I ran toward the ladder and climbed up.  There, Lila stood among the hay, walking toward the extra sacks of horse food.  Through the sunlight that was creeping in, I could see a thin rope taut about 3 inches up from the wooden floor.  I looked up at the ceiling and saw a wooden crate hanging from the ceiling, just hidden from normal sight.

"Lila!" I yelled as she tripped over the thin rope.  I ran as fast as I could and moved her out of the way before the wooden crate could fall onto her head.  However, I wasn't quick enough.  Shortly after I had moved Lila, something hit my head and everything went black.


I awoke on one of the cots in the cabins with a damp towel over my head.  I felt dizzy and sick.  Out of the corner of my eye I could see a woman rocking in a rocking chair, playing with something in her hands.

"Excuse me? Would you mind explaining what the hell happened?" I drowsily said, slurring my words.  Clearly, somethin' wan't quite right.

The woman walked over and knelt at the side of my bed. 

"Well, hi Lila!" I exclaimed.  She smirked and tried to stiffle her laughter.

"Are you gonna tell me what happened or am I just gonna be blissfully ignorant?"

She gave me a look that said "what an idiot" all over it.

"Wait, shit, you can't talk." I said and broke out laughing.

She couldn't hold her laughter in any longer and burst into a silent laugh.

"Okay, so I'm guessing that crate thing fell on my head," she nodded, "And then I passed the hell out."

She smiled and nodded again.  Then, she mouthed something I didn't catch the first time around.

"What was that?"

She mouthed again.  This time I could make it out: Thank You.

"Sure thing.  Anytime.  May I say something?"

She nodded again and awaited my next sentence.

"You are quite a beautiful young woman.  Do you know that?" I declared.

She looked down at the floor and played with her hands.  She looked back up to find me looking right back at her.  I leaned closer, as did she.  Everything was quiet.  She let her lips connect to mine.  A peaceful warmth spread through my body.  It felt amazing.  But just as quick as we came together, we came apart.  Lila jumped up and ran out of the cabin.  I smiled and gazed down at the floor.  Right at the edge of the cot was the lilac.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2016 ⏰

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