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Hey hey only me keep reading:)

They arrived at the place. it was only a small bungalow in the middle of nowhere outside of New York. The car stopped. Asoka was the first to get out. The others followed. Alec was behind, Asoka turned round and stopped Alec by putting her hand on his chest.
"Look maybe you should wait outside," she said softly although inside she was terrified.
"Now why would I do that?" he asked.
"Look dude I will stay here with you if your scared of the dark," Magnus joked.
"Just stay outside," Asoka said as she walked in.

"Hello you must be the pregnant one Magnus bane told me about you," a bald man wearing jeans and a polo white shirt.
"Um yes I'm sorry I'm nervous can you just get on with it I'm litterly petrified," Asoka said softly. the man looked shocked.
"Yeah sure. I don't blame you just lie down here, my the way my names David howl," Asoka listened and smiled. she lied down. David got his scanner out and put it on her belly along with the cream. Asoka looked at the screen she saw the baby inside of her moving around. Asoka smiled.
"I don't think that Magnus told you that I am a warlock, do you wanna know the gender?" he asked her. Asoka nodded. he held a necklace above her belly. The colour turned red.
"It's a girl, and she's doing fine," he mentioned. Asoka was quiet.
"What do think this baby will turn out to be?" Asoka asked. David to a huge breath.
"I have heard what you've experienced with your childhood and the pain with the baby. i think with the correct upbringing and a loving family, the baby will be fine," Asoka looked down.

"Hey Alec just tell her you love her, don't make it a massive drama," Magnus was dying to say that since they left. Alec turned to face him.
"And what would you know?" Alec answered back.
"Obviously more than you," Magnus smiled.
"Look things between me and Asoka have changed, she's changed, look I did love her and I still do but I fear she's moved on, the rumours true the rune for a broken heart is the most painful," Alec lost track of what he was saying everything just slipped out.

Asoka walked out of the bungalow and got in the car. Magnus and Alec followed her. this time Magnus drove and Alec sat in the back with Asoka as Magnus made him, so he could comfort Asoka.
The journey back was longer and even more awkward. Alec stared at Asoka the whole time.

When they got back it was late, Magnus went home and Alec assorted Asoka to her room.
"Asoka are you okay?" Alec asked her. Asoka hugged him.
"Thanks for taking me and Magnus it means a lot and don't believe what Magnus says ok?" she was grateful. she then let go of him.
"Why? why did you go there? you can tell me," Alec kept asking questions.
"Alec please I can't do this, I can't kept answering questions I know you mean well but not at this moment. Alec things have changed but I will always see you the way I have always seen you," she stopped there and walked in her room. Alec was speechless. Asoka shut the door and Alec went along to his room.

mortal instruments: Asoka and Alec loveDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora