"Ja. I mean yes."

"You speak another language too?"

"Yes. I speak Dutch. That is where my family is from, and...do you speak something else?"

"English. Wow we are so much alike. How old are you?"

"Thirty two."

"Me too!" Clara was simply blown away at how similar she and Sandra really were. "This is insane. Louis would've loved something like this."

"I'm sorry. Who is this?"

She blinked, and realized she had spoken his name out loud. It had been almost two years since he left, and the last thing she promised him was that she wouldn't tell anyone about him. "Not until I come back."

"He's just a friend," she said as nonchalantly as possible. "are Hugo and Kai friends?"

"I don't know. But Hugo came home one day, and said that he saw Kai and his friend, the little blonde girl. He said that they skipped out on classes and they were caught by the Watchmen. And he said Kai ran faster than he'd ever seen. I just thought he was normal until he said your little boy ran as fast as he could.

"So I wanted to know more about him so I went to the Records Building and saw that he was technically unheard of until he was around six months old, which is when he started eating solid food, am I right?"


"The same was like that for Hugo. My father was friends with a prostitue there, and he paid her to keep Hugo and give birth to him when it was ready."

"We did the same thing!" Clara exclaimed. "We paid Louis' friend and she gave birth to Kai for us. We should let Kai and Hugo meet. I think they'd be great friends."

A not too uncommon smile spread across Sandra's face and she nodded in agreement. "That sounds like a wonderful plan."


"Kai! Kai babe I'm home!" Clara shut the door with her foot and dumpd her bags next to the door.

"Hey mom! Eloise is here. Is that okay?"

Clara sighed and smiled to herself. Those two are going to fall in love I swear. "Yeah Kai that's fine."

"Hi Ms. Clara," she heard the sweet childish voice of Eloise say.

"Hello darling." Clara walked into Kai's room, only to find the two laying on his bed together. He had a book in his hands and it looked like they were reading it together.

Looking at the two laying shoulder to shoulder, their bodies completely relaxed and at ease, she could see that the two were meant for each other.

"When are you two going to start dating," she asked in a playful tone.

"Mom!' Kai screeched, sitting up straight in his bed. "I'd never date Eloise. She's like my best friend I could never date her."

"Yeah Ms. Clara," said Eloise, joining him. "Kai's too disgusting for dating."

"I am not disgusting!"

"Yes you are! You farted while we were reading. And you thought I didn't notice."

"I didn't fart!"

"Yes you did! Yes you did! I heard it! And it smelled like crap so ha! Kai's disgusting Ms. Clara. You should teach him how to act in front of a lady."

Clara laughed at the bickering between the two, and at her son's reddening face. She left the two to argue over their childish things.

She went to her room and fell on her bed. Ugh. My life. She always felt depressed when she came into this room, and it was for one reason: Louis.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2013 ⏰

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