Heels+stairs=not good

Start from the beginning

Now you know when the girl locks eyes with the boy and boy thinks how beautiful the girl is.

Yep. Didn't happen.

" Erin that dress is on backwards." He deadpanned.

" Dang It!!!"

After another ten minutes of trying to put on the dress I was finally ready!

As I walked down stairs everyone had dates!

Even Barbra was there! And she could walk!!!

" Babs!!!!  You have legs!!!" I exclaimed.

She looked at me weirdly.

" yes, yes I do.....?" She said slowly.

" well that's great!"

After ten minutes of flapping around we sat in the car.

I played flappy bird while the rest of them talked.

~~~~~~~~~ time skip~~~~~~~~~~~


We arrived at the ball.

The building  we were heading to was massive!!!

It was like one of those Cinderella place s where when you walk in there's all those red carpet stairs you go down while someone tells the room who you are.

So first dick and Barbra went down followed by Jason and Tim and Damian and there dates.

Then it was my turn.

As I walked down the stairs I could see Bruce looking very proud of us all.

So I gave him a little wave.


I tripped on..... Well nothing. Anyway I tripped in the few last steps and kid of did a rollypolly down the stairs.

All the posh people gasped before I jumped up again.

" I'm fine. I'm fine!!!" I explained as I made my way towards Bruce with my head hung low.

" ouch." I whispered.

Then out of no where Bruce starts laughing. Then the entire room starts laughing as well.

I sighed.

" Everyone this is Erin. She's living with us for a while. Who wants the first dance!" Bruce shouted.

All the men raised there hands.

" Bruce I don't know how to dance." I whispered.

" I know." He whispers back.

I glare at him as in dragged on to the dance floor but so creepy old guy.

All of the music was classical and I was on the dance floor whipping and nae nae ing. It was really fun.

I even dabbed when the violin started to play!

Suddenly a gunshot ran though the room.

Everyone got down on the floor but me being me I continued to dance.

There wasn't any music and I could see Bruce trying to get to me before a gun was placed at the back of his head.

I had finally stopped dancing and noticed everyone on the floor.

" why are you all on the floor? I know you're all posh but that doesn't mean that the floors that clean."

I could hear Jason saying " that girl is doomed."

" I heard that jay!!" I exclaimed before throwing my shoe at him.

" ouch!!!" He exclaimed when my shoe him.

I giggled.

" that's enough!" screamed a man holding a gun to my head.

Okay. Normally I would freak out but right now I'm just bored.

" dude I need a drink." I whispered.

" shut up you brat!" He said before slapping me.

Okay now I'm angry.
And thirsty
And my face hurts.


Turned around smiled sweetly before kicking that man straight where the sun don't shine and then kneed him in the nose.

He dropped his gun and was out for the count.

I picked up his gun and smiled evilly.

" anybody else want to try and shoot me I teased."

Bruce smirked at me and so did the bat boys. Then came the laugh and everyone started to get really scared.

Well this will be fun!

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