The Return of Mr.Triangle

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Dippet was shocked buy teh explopsion. He looked around in confusiom to seee what hae happeNed.

Then after hoing in circles for a while he looked up with his heead and his eyes.

Dere he was IT was bILL CYPHER!!!1!!!1. "OMG GET AWAAAYYYY FROM ME!" Dipfillet screemed. He then round house kicked Bill in the face. Bike Ciphyer was knocked into
The tree above them.

"w ow that hurt wat was that for you stupid butt???" Bill scolded while getting up from that amazin supa sayin ttack.

Dupper looked very smad. He was about tho throw anither kick when bill Interupted him, " wAIT
Pintree ples don't I came here for a reason." he said puttinj his tiny nub of a hands up in defense.

FISH Dipler hesitattated; "Ok what do you want you -"
"Oh nothin' much... "Dopllar bill said very nochlanalnty while interupted dipper mid scentence. "Just you're...hmm...- -SOOOUUUULLLLL!!!!!" bill made a scary face whith his hand s.
Diaper gasped.!and stood there shockled. And mostly confused.
"Lol jk pinetrés you shoulda seen the look on you're face tho hahahahahahahahahahahh"


"Aanyway," bull conflinued, "What I really wanted to talk to you about was if yo wer intecested in making a b-"

"DIPER????" came out a. loud voice from behind the trees behind them.a big and tall human figer came out form the schadows

"Ford?" diaper was confused once again."wat u doing here?"

Ford looked betrayed. "Wha-?! What am Í doing here??! What are yous doin  out  ; with BULL CYPHEr!!!??

Silence lingered through the forest and only the sounds of the deer passing by could be heard. They all were breathing heavily

any one of them could speak any second...

But who d i d

1 .  .  . 2 .  .  .3.  .  .

"W A I T!!" dopper screamed louder than he probably shopuld half, ruining the modd greatvfluckin job you little shit. Dipper was suprisizzled "You now this gay???"

"""" Yes I do." Stanford hesitated.

"But how? I thought Bill only first came here when Gideon summoned him to this town known as Gravity Falls??"

"Well... " Ford contin ued

Bill was entirely red at this point. With anger not embarrasment jesus christ why would you even think that


Authours Note
New chapter who dis??!??11?
Ha sorry that i havent updated in like sooo loong. I bet ALL oF you were waiting. I had like the totally worst ever writers block.hahaha lolzor. This story totally wasnt prewritten or anything!!!2!1

Ok, actual authour here, in all seriousness, why update with no reads. Wow that sounded so bitchy. What I mean is that I am just doing this for fun so might as well take my time.( I am honestly suprised that it even has more than 1 read. Who would actually read this crap?? ) No offense to anyone who actually does, I understand that sense of humour. Wow this went on for too long.

Two bee continued?????????

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