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By the time we'd gotten back to London Eggsy had lost a huge amount of blood, it stained his clothes, the couch on the plane, and my dress.

As soon as we arrived at the Kingsman Mansion paramedics came and rushed him into surgery. I just silently followed Merlin upstairs to see Harry, who came rushing towards us when we entered the mansions entryway. "What happened?" he asked, obvious concern in his voice.

"Eggsy was shot, he's in surgery now, he doesn't look good" Merlin told Harry, silent tears streamed down my face, I'd figured I would've run out of tears by now.

"Sweetheart, go upstairs and change" Harry told me softly, taking in my appearance, a look of concern on his face.

I nodded slowly and headed upstairs to my room in a daze.


I stripped out of my ripped, bloodstained dress and got in the shower, the water that pooled at my feet turned pink and I sobbed as I scrubbed away every inch of blood, the only image in my mind was that bullet hitting Eggsy, and him laying on the ground in a pool of blood. I knew he only had a slim chance, but I still prayed he'd make it, he was all I had left.

After my shower I put my hair into a braid and changed into a pair of black leggings and one of Eggsy's old black Adidas hoodies, I slipped on a pair of black flats and hurried back downstairs to where Merlin and Harry were waiting by the bed where Eggsy would be placed.

If he made it.

"How is he?" I asked, sitting in the chair between Harry and Merlin.

Harry sighed, taking off his glasses and rubbing his face, "It's not looking good dear" he said. I looked down, wiping at the tears that once again started to fall but no matter what they just kept coming. I laid my head on Harry's shoulder and he surprisingly wrapped an arm around my shoulders, "Don't worry Lottie, he's tough" he told me, I nodded solemnly, hopefully he was right.


I must have fallen asleep because I was woken up by commotion going on around me, Harry and Merlin were helping the doctors place Eggsy on the bed, my heart skipped a beat, he was alive, for now. I stood up and watched as they placed a breathing tube in Eggsy's throat, a needle in his arm that fed him medicine, and patches on his chest to monitor his heart. He had gauze wrapped around his chest and a bit of blood was leaking through. One of the doctor's told us that the surgery had went better than expected and that he's stable for now.

When the doctor's left I brought my chair closer to Eggsy's bed and gripped his hand, kissing his knuckles lightly, "If you leave me I swear to god I'll never forgive you" I whispered, Harry chuckled softly behind me and placed a hand on my shoulder, giving it a light squeeze, it relaxed me a bit.

Like with Eggsy, Harry had become a father figure to me too, he was more of a father than my old man ever was, he'd saved my life and gave me hope for a better future.


For the next few days Eggsy lay unconscious in bed, I stayed by his side until Merlin or Harry forced me to eat and sleep, otherwise I refused to leave his side.

It was three days later and I was sitting by Eggsy's bed reading a book when I heard a groan. I looked up just in time to see Eggsy's green eyes snap open and he started to cough. I quickly got the doctor and he came in and pulled the breathing tube out of Eggsy's throat, checked his vitals and blood pressure, and then went to inform Merlin and Harry of Eggsy's condition.

I smiled as I sat on the edge of Eggsy's bed and grabbed his hand, "Don't ever do that to me again" I told him as I started to cry.

Eggsy smiled weakly, "I'm sorry, I should've worn the bulletproof suit" he told me, his voice raspy from his throat being dry and getting scratched by the breathing tube.

"It's not your fault" I told him leaning down and kissing his cheek, making him smile again.

"Did you get him for me? Valentine?" Eggsy asked,

I nodded, "Damn straight." I told him with a smile.

He smiled weakly, but I could still see he was trying to be cheeky as he said, "So, can we still have sex?"


About two weeks later Eggsy had almost fully recovered and was allowed to leave the little hospital, but I made him lay down in his bed upstairs.

"Lottie?" he asked as I was about to leave his room.

"Yeah baby?" I asked, turning back around.

He smiled and opened his arms. "Come here" he told me. I sighed and shook my head, he turned on the charm, "Pwease?" he asked, giving me the puppy dog eyes that had worked on me for years. I sighed in defeat and climbed into bed next to Eggsy, resting against his chest but making sure not to touch where he'd gotten shot. "I knew you couldn't resist my charm" Eggsy said, I rolled my eyes and slapped his arm making him laugh.

I wrapped my arm around his waist and we laid there in silence for a minute before I spoke up, "I thought I'd lost you" I said.

Eggsy kissed my head, "I could never leave you Lottie, you're my world and I can't just leave that behind" he told me softly.

I wiped at the stray tears that leaked from my eyes and leaned up, pecking his lips gently. "You're my knight in shining armor" I told him,

"And you're my queen" Eggsy said, I blushed and rested my head against his chest once more. Eggsy spoke up again, "You know, you never answered my question" Eggsy told me.

I sat up, "What question?" I asked him, scrunching my face up in confusion.

"I believe you promised me something if I saved the world" he told me, his green eyes locking with my brown ones.

I shoved him lightly, "Eggsy you're hurt and need to rest" I told him.

Eggsy sighed, "Fine" he muttered, crossing his arms, he looked like a stroppy teenager, it made me giggle.

Eggsy and I watched TV for a while before he fell asleep.

With Eggsy asleep I headed back to my room and read my book for a bit before going downstairs and eating dinner with Harry and Merlin, I told them Eggsy was doing better and was definitely the same old Eggsy.

After dinner I went upstairs and changed into a spaghetti strap gray nightgown and sat on my bed, watching TV. A knock on my door interrupted my little moment of relaxation, "Come in!" I called,

Eggsy came in dressed in some pajama pants, his dirty blonde hair was a bit tousled from sleeping. "You left" he told me, giving me a sad look.

I giggled, "You fell asleep" I told him and scooted over on my bed, patting the spot next to me.

Eggsy gladly took the spot next to me and took in what I was wearing, "You look very nice in that little nightgown of yours" Eggsy said flirtily, making me blush as he kissed my cheek and then gently grabbed my chin and turned my head so that he could reach my lips, "Very. Nice" he said in between kisses.

"Eggsy..." I trailed off but he shushed me with a kiss and I smiled, wrapping my arms around his neck. He climbed over so that he hovered above me, he kissed my lips, then my cheek, then my jaw, and down my neck.

His hands made their way up my thighs and under my nightgown as he gripped my hips and sat up so that I straddled him. "This should come off" Eggsy whispered against my lips as he played with the hem of my nightgown, I only nodded and blushed as I slipped it off, tossing it carelessly to the floor.

Eggsy's eyes traveled down my body and then back up, he met my eyes, "You're beautiful" he told me as he captured my lips with his, making me blush once more. Eggsy laid me down on the bed and kissed my forehead, "You sure about this?" he asked, I nodded and bit my lip, Eggsy smiled and kissed me once more and well, I'm sure you know what happened next.

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