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Jillian Holtzmann stood in front of the sink in her apartment bathroom. She looked at herself in the mirror before leaning over the tub to turn the nozzle, starting up the shower. As she waited for it to heat up, she looked back at her reflection and reached a hand up to take the pins out of her hair. Her, surprisingly long, wavy locks fell down around her shoulders and she set the pins on the porcelain sink in front of her. Looking into the mirror, she ran her slender fingers through her golden mane before gently massaging her scalp. When she noticed a thin sheet of steam rising from the tub, she bent over, gave her head a shake to loosen her curls, and stood back up, flipping her hair back over her head so it naturally hung down her back. She looked into her own eyes in the mirror once more before letting out a sigh and turning on her ipod that was plugged into the bathroom radio. "Sweet dreams are made of these. Who am I to-" While she strangely danced and sang along to the music, she untied the belt of her plush, powder blue bathrobe and let it fall to the floor before stepping into the, nearly steaming, water. As she washed herself, she held one of her soap bottles as a microphone and continued to sing along to her shower playlist. 

Though it was nice to have friends now, Jillian missed the days when she worked alone and she was free to do whatever she wanted around the lab. She could dance. She could make up her own songs with, more than odd, lyrics. She could pass gas without even having to hold it in or apologize to anyone for it. Things have changed so much since she met Abby and they actually had gotten better since they started the Ghostbusters. Though a part of her did feel as though things had gotten a bit worse for her individual self. She had changed. She was different. She used to have an amazing concentration span with killer focus. With so many people around that can disturb her, she finds it much harder to pay attention to her work and frankly, that terrified her. 

Since her feelings for Erin had begun to get fuzzy, it only metastasized the issue and she felt she had gotten nothing accomplished in the past few weeks. Especially the past two days. And having Kevin around only added to the situation. Obviously, Erin's constant attempts to get him to date her was a problem, but so was his lack of knowledge when it came to anything. Sometimes she thought to herself that they were all basically his babysitters and she'd wished he weren't so cute. He probably would've never gotten the job. Or he'd at least not have Gilbert's eyes stuck on him all the time. Holtzmann wished she could go back to simpler times when it was just her and Abby in the lab. Meeting Erin was easily the best thing that ever happened to her, as well as the worst thing. 

Halfway through her shower, as she thought of these things, her dancing and singing suddenly halted and she just finished up her washing with no fun and got out. She wrapped a towel around her pale body and hit the power button on her radio. After opening the bathroom door to step out and into her small bedroom, she boogied over to her bed that had her boyish pajamas laying on top of it. With one of the songs stuck in her head, she slightly moved her shoulders while bopping her head to the imaginary beat. She turned, sitting down on the bed and reaching for her lotion on the nightstand to her left. Once the moisturizer was in her hand, she put it up to her nose to sniff the sweet scent. She rubbed her hands together and applied it to her legs. Suddenly, she hated herself for letting her mind head straight to Erin. Again. 

Meanwhile, in one of the other burrows of the city, Abby Yates sat on her bed in her soft pink pajamas. She had a notebook in her lap with a pen in her hand and she read one of her books, "A New Science of the Paranormal." She often took notes on things she knew would help them at the station and when she was finished, she planned on giving her notes to Holtzmann in the hopes that it'd motivate her to keep inventing new technology for their ghost hunting. 

After a couple hours of reading, she developed a small headache and her eyes were growing tired. She set the book down on top of her notebook and took her glasses off before closing her eyes and rubbing them. She groaned before feeling a yawn come on and she reached up behind her to pull the hairtie she had in out of her dark brown hair. 

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