part five library

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Well i guess ill look at some of alpys's books (he pics up a book called metteton work's)  well i guess this is the book, fact one mettiton is a girl, WHAT I WAS SOPOSSED TO BE A GIRL *everone was staring* i can kindofe see it, well in not reading anymore of this (she findes a book called puberty) well i guess i should read this it has a guy  on the front .......................................................*sorry guys its being stupid mettiton is gonna talk normal*..............……………………………................ Chapter one puberty is weird when a boy gets puberty he gets hair in sertant places

*time skip, because i can*

Well that was a good book, ill go ask some questions about it to alphys(she walked to the lab ) ALPYSSSSSSSS,YES mettiton how come i never had puberty,uhhhh why do you wana know, it said in the book "its normal for all people to go through it" ,Well your a robot and you cant go through it,oh well thanks i red that book for no reason well i still now how to fuck and papyrus enjoyed that ,WHAT YOU SLEPT WITH PAPYRUS ,yes i did,UGG IM LEAVING, fine bye im gonna wach a anime and think about you to

Sorry guys its short i have no idea what else  should i right i LITRILY HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO RIGHT I WONT WRITE THE NEXT PART TILL I HAVE AN IDEA PLEASE TELL ME!!!!!!!!!!!!

heres another one
Q:what do skeltons hate about wind
A:nothing it goes right through them!

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