Chapter 3: "Echo's"

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          During the time I lived in the Florida sun I was exposed to a wide variety of amazing things. I tell you those years that I lived there were life changing. Where I was living there were so many local music acts and even national acts who came to town. A family friend introduced us to people who actually owned a recording studio. I still remember that! It was so crazy. I was real young, so my mind was blown! Just in total awe from the different styles of artists/bands that recorded there and of all the equipment. I can't remember the bands name to be honest. But, I was able to listen to their own listening session when they were recording their tracks. While being at the studio I met an amazing artist called Fred Durst. That dude was straight up cool. I'm not even joking. At that point I was interested in music and he told me to go after that if I really wanted to so that there was inspiration. No doubt. A little bit after that amazing experience.

Another family friend let me play their guitar. I was always so fascinated by guitars. I love how they sound. I didn't know how to read tab or notes at the time. Just sat my room and strummed those six strings..back and forth. That clean, crisp sound was relaxing. That was the first time I picked up an instrument really.  I didn't learn how to play more efficiently till later on. While I was there I just learned basic chords such as E minor for example.  They let me borrow the guitar a few times every week. Besides that like I said in chapter 2. I just lived life when I was here in Florida.

I made friends and they all skateboarded. They taught me how to ride and do tricks. Funny story friends were walking all with skateboards and I didn't have one. (I lived at a apartment complex at the time.) This guy who lived in an upstairs apartment was like "Hey dude! You want a board!?" He gave it to of cost. I couldn't thank him enough. I was so hyped up! I still skate to this day. It's such a great way to just go free your mind and relax. I made a great friend while I was there. His name was Dan. Really great guy and family. He so happened to live with a rich family. I didn't mind and nor did I really pay much attention to that. That family was real generous and truly cared about people. They weren't stuck up or anything. My best friend right there. I'm truly blessed to know them. There were so many lessons, dreams, and just happiness that was made while living in Florida. It has helped me be who I am today.

(I named this chapter "Echo's" because in my life right now and in present time I remember these days always. So an echo in my mind of everything that I've been through there. I'm truly blessed for that.)

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