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L:   hey mrs. all American how's it going with that whole trump/Hillary situation

B:   it sucks

A:   are you a Bernie fan

C:   yeah it's like all the youngsters like him these days

B:   no I was never a Bernie fan to begin with and I could care less that he's not running anymore (an: please don't hate me ok,,)

M:   well who was/is your fave then?

B:   Kasich

M:   god bless you

B:   no you idiot

B:   Kasich as in one of the republican candidates

L:   why the hell would she have typed a sneeze

C:   not the point man its mikey we're talking about

L:   oh yeah tru

M:   who's Kasich never heard of him

B:  my homie, my man, my main squeeze

B:   that's who Kasich is

A:   thought that was me

B:   you know what I mean

M:   well I know who I'm voting for

M:   #queenpattyforpresident2k16

B:   1.) you're not even American

B:   2.) "queen patty" isn't a candidate

L:   who are you even talking about michael

M:   Patrick

C:   as in FOB Patrick?

M:   yeah he's queen

A:   why are you a part of this band

M:   shut up

M:   murica out

*Michael has left the group chat*

B:   this is why I hate talking politics

L:   bc Patrick stump?

B:   no you idiot

A:   lol deja vu a bit much

B:   ugh no bc it gets out of hand

B:   and if it's with a bunch of stupid boys like you guys we start talking about made up candidates and Australians voting in murica

C:   "murica"

L:   the crib of the homies

A:   lucas whyyy

B:   look we've even managed to turn hemmings into a hood

C:   ew no I don't want him as a brother

B:   what is happening in this world I need a break from life bye fam

*Becca has left the group chat*

A:   legit me

C:   same tho

L:   yo homies

A:   no staph pls

*Ashton has left the group chat*

C:   don't leave me with him

*Calum has left the group chat*

L:   r00d

L:   ooh FOB came on my music shuffle just now yayaya queen patty you are dad ilyyyy follow my twitter @ Luke5sos slayyy queen slayyy

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