Chapter One

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I had spent the whole day making the soup. Sure, there were other, shorter ways, but this was the best chicken noodle soup I had ever had, let alone made. The timer beeped signaling the broth was done. This broth I added to the pot of noodles, vegetables, and herbs.

After the recipe was finished I sat down at my normal seat at the window and ate. Looking over my beautifully wild backyard, I quickly gave a quick look at the herbs I grew there and then to the cloudy sky. Rain? I thought to myself before looking down at the papers in front of me.

The time has come again! I said with amused sarcasm in my head. The papers were for the house and came yearly. Honestly, why do I have to sign these every year if I already own the house and do not have to pay for it anymore? Rolling my eyes I continued reading over the paper, being sure I was not going to be tricked out of or into anything. You would think after the ownership of the house has been paid off and passed down for over the regulated thirty years you would not have to deal with the papers. I thought, saying a part of it directly from the form.

With a big sigh I started filling out the form.

Name (first): Aerilyn

Name (last): Flyer

Middle Initial: E

Finally my thoughts reached my mouth; "You would think they could tell from past years."

A jingle and some taps told me I had awoken Cosmo. "Hey Little Man" I said to the small brown and white dog whose tail was wagging a mile an hour. Turning once more I looked at the next questions.

Age: 21

Ownership granted from: Aaron Flyer

Quickly I finished the remaining questions and sealed the form through both envelope and mailbox.

Flopping down on the couch in a comfy manor I turned the television on and started flipping through channels. Cosmo jumped up and after a few pets I left him for the shower.

The water had felt good on my sore muscles and I was glad that I only had to train horses of my choosing, recalling that Heratico was a spirited, but gentle handful. After I had cleaned up I returned to the couch holding the cavachon. As soon as I thought we were both settled I changed the channel to where our favorite fantasy show was.

Apparently it was only I that was settled, because- as I should have expected- he started attacking my now increasingly wet, blonde hair. I tried with much difficulty to tame the tangles he had weaved into the hair on my head; something I only seemed to need to do when it was wet. By the time my hair was back to its natural dry straight state the show was over and it was my early to bed time.

I let Cosmo go along with his cute tail and smile outside before getting myself ready for bed and retrieving the beast. Laying down in my bed, I put myself in the most comfortable position possible. That is, in the time I had before my foot warmer jumped up and he started his job of putting warmth into my cold feet. Soon the warm became mixed with sleep, which in turn overcame me.


Thump. Thump. Hours later the sound pulled me away from my now fading dreams. Something wet reached my hand and I smiled; my eyes still closed as I let my body catch up with my mind, which was instantly awake.

One hand petted the soft, messy fur. My other hand felt next for the sheets to uncovered myself. Upon getting up I felt the cold air despite my warm pajamas. Cosmo yawned his squeaky yawn and caused me to continue his pets- or as I like to think of it, his massage- for another minute or two.

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