Meet and Greets!!

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(Alex's POV)
"Pst! Alex, hun its time to wake up.." I squinted my eyes at Patrick. "Why?" i whined. "Meet and Greets are gonna start soon." "And?" "You need to see Taylor" "Who?-*gasp*" i sat upright and Patrick smiled at me. "You know, you look nice with messy hair" i smiled because his eyes were sparkling."You know, I fell in love with your eyes Patrick.. there really nice" i smiled sheepishly and picked Daxton up while he was sleeping. "Thank you Alex. now you get ready and i'll chance Daxton *smile*" "Thanks Patty *kisses cheek* i appreciate it" He grabbed Daxton and I got up. I grabbed some random clothes and went in the bathroom. I took a quick shower and put on a FOB jacket, ripped black jeans and put on my black hightop converse from earlier on.

I combed my hair and walked out. "Hey Daxi! Hows my little boy!" i said and he giggled. He was wearing a white shirt, a little leather jacket, jeans and black socks. "Mama!" he said. "Hehe" "Alex I think he likes me" "Dadda!" he said and gave Patrick a kiss. "No, i-i'm not-" "you can be if you want" i said and looked down. "Yeah, i'd like that.." he said and I blushed. "Now the finishing touch.. Blam! Now your a Stump!" i looked back up and Daxton had a black Fedora on.

"Really?" "Yep! now we're twins!" he said and put his fedora on. "Let me get a picture!" i said and rummaged through my bag. I pulled my camera and phone out. "Here, get one for my phone" he handed me his phone. "Okay, smile!" i said and took pictures with each device. "Here you go" i handed him his phone back. "And here you go" he handed Dax to me. I held him and walked out with Dax, Patrick and both backpacks. "Here" Patrick took Dax's bag and held my hand. "Thank you.. I forgive you by the way" "*smile* thanks" we walked inside the venue and into Dad's dressing room.

"Hey guys!" i said. they all looked over. "why does he look like Patrick?" Mikey asked. "Don't ask me ask-" "because he called me dadda so now he looks like a Stump" Patrick cut me off. "okay?" Dad said. Andy came over to us and Daxton hid his fave in my neck. "Whats wrong buddy?" "hmmm" "Is it me?" Andy asked. "I think he's scared of you" "oh.. probably because of the tattoos" "yeah" "Okay people! lets go meet some fans!"Brendon yelled. We walked out and I asked Dallon. "I thought in was only Fall Out Boy" "Yeah, but we wanna give the fans 4 pictures, just this once" "Oh.. cool surprise"

We made it to the meet and greet area and FOB was over were the wall was, MCR was at ether side of me and P!ATD was behind me. Basically Gerard on the left, Mikey on the right, and Kenny behind me and next to him were Bren and Dal. "Uh.. I think he likes my hair" I looked to my left and Daxton was reaching out to grab G's hair."*giggle* i guess he does" Gerard took Daxton and lowered his head. "Don't pull it Daxton" "Okaa" he put his hand in his hair and pated his hair down. Gerard looked up and they smiled at each other. I grabbed my camera and snapped a picture.

"Seriously?" "*smile* yep!" "Here have your kid back" I took Daxton back and sat him down on my lap, facing the guys. "Look, theres daddy. say 'Hi Daddy'" "Hi Dadda!!" he sorta yelled. Patrick smiled at him and waved. I smiled at Patrick and he winked at me. I blushed. Fans started to come in and everyone that sat down stood up and walked over. I watched as the fans EXPLODED!!! After the first pictures were taken Patrick looked around the corner. "Al, she's next! get over here!!" "Marcus, mind holding Daxton while I go say hi to a friend?" "Yes ma'm" "Thank you!" I gave Daxton over and ran behind Patrick, to my sides were Kenny and Dan and behind me was Mikey. I got smacked in the ass.

I spun around and stared at the three. "Who did it?" Ken and Dan pointed at Mikey."You owe me a kiss. I HAD to get your attention somehow" he seemed innocent, but I KNOW he's not. "Fine, but don't do it again" I pecked his lips. "Why?" "Just ask Brendon" I turned again and an arm wrapped around my waist. I followed the arm that belonged to.. Patrick? "What?" "Oh nothing, just needed you to focus" "Alright then" I felt another arm on my waist. I followed it to.. Dad? "Huh?" "What? can't I do the same?" "Okay.. I GUESS you guys can hold on to me" I said in an OBVIOUSLY sarcastic tone. "*gasp* H-hi?" Taylor..

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