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The auburn haired woman stood behind a desk, pointing at the white board behind her her, "Don't forget to read chapter 2 and chapter 3's intro. There will be lots of info in them to help you with your projects next week."

Her students groaned at the word "project," as they picked up their backpacks, eager to leave her classroom. It was the last period of the day on a Friday, and she couldn't blame them. She too had plans after work. Beauty and Snow were dying to check out the new romance horror flick starring George Pitt.

She sighed, bringing her hand to her hair, which was pinned up in a bun. She hated the style, but - as a teacher - she had to look the part.

"Bye Ms. Hood," smiled one of her eighth graders. "See you next week?"

Ms. Hood grinned. Of course she'd be there next week. She was the teacher after all. Little Tina Hauser was always so polite and sweet. Out of all the students, she was the only one that always told her 'bye' after class.

"Absolutely. See you then, Miss Hauser!"

Tina had left the classroom, when Ms. Hood unceremoniously threw herself onto her chair, pawing at the pins that kept the braided bun neatly coiled.

"Why, hello Red."

She was just putting the pins in an old stapler box when she had heard the voice. She looked toward the door and smiled genuinely. It was her boyfriend, come to pick her up from work.



The two were now in his car, an old Crown Victoria painted grey. He had been bumming rides with taxis before buying the car used, but Red and the deputy Mayor, Snow White, made him see that owning a car would be a lot easier on him as sheriff. He wasn't exactly happy to make the purchase, but at least he cut out having to call for a taxi.

"So, how was work?" Bigby asked.

"Same old, same old." Red shrugged. "Though I'm having the kids start their first cooking project next week. So I'm really excited about that."

"That's nice," he cracked a smile, keeping his eyes on the road.

"How was your day?" she asked.

"Let's see," he looked to be in thought. "Domestic down at the Toad's place, Jersey was giving out loans - trying to be the new Crooked Man, but I shot him down-"

Red gasped, "You didn't."

Bigby grinned. She was so sweet and naïve sometimes. "Metaphorically."

"Such a big word, Sheriff." She rolled her eyes.

"Hey, I know what that means. No need to be petulant," he had said the last part in an English accent; the roughness in his voice made him sound like Jason Statham á la Rick Ford.

"Just teasing you," she grinned. A hand went to his hair behind his ear, brushing it out of the way.

"Not while driving, Red," he warned gruffly.

Red pouted, "You're no fun." She brought her arm back to rest on her lap. "So what else did you do today?"

"Hung out with Scarlet."

"Gran?" Red looked at him, shocked. "What'd you two get up to this time? Prank calling fables again?"

Bigby turned to her briefly and grinned before looking back at the road. "I had some time to kill after the paperwork was done, so we played poker."

"Poker? Damn it, Bigby. What were the stakes this time?" Red crossed her arms over her chest. She was miffed and shocked that Bigby and her grandmother were getting along so well - even before Bigby and Red started dating. In fact, it was because of Scarlet Riding Hood that they had gotten reaquainted, despite her mother trying to keep her safe and far away from him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2016 ⏰

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