i. aware

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Declan took both of my arms in to his hands, and placed a delicate kiss onto each scar on the wrists.

"These are beautiful, just like you."

Nope, nope, nope-ity, nope.

I massaged my temples, trying to erase the string of words that I had just read. That would be the last time I would agree to read a book recommended by a thirteen year old. It didn't help that said thirteen year old was one half of a twin and my little sister. It also didn't help that I knew about the absolute garbage that she was thrusting into her naïve mind.

Although this website was not too bad, some of its content was problematic - especially to a twenty year old. I flicked my wrist to scroll through the list of recommended stories, all perfectly manufactured to waste away the tween mind. However, that being said I was sitting here doing exactly that a hopeless attempt to avoid my 'diversity in education' essay.

I got up from my bed, mumbling about how I was going to have a stern talking to with Maria about mental health issues. The house is eerily quiet, which shouldn't surprise me Dad was in Dubai, Mum was at work and the twins were at school. It was Thursday, one of the few days I had no lectures, seminars or tutorials. Those days were of course supposed to be reserved for personal study, assignments and what-nots but it just gave me an extra day to binge on TV and find the weirdest shit on the internet.

I slowed down my pace as I walked down the hallway, running my fingers along the picture frames that graced the walls. These were the same picture frames that Michelle - my friend from university - would gush over every time she was at my house.

"You're house could seriously be on TV!"

Every time she would gush, it was a different variation of the same lines. Every time she would look at the pictures with bright eyes, I would stand with my arms crossed and body pushed against the wall. She would see the big toothless smiles and the sickly coordinated outfits, whilst all I could see is the diminished smiles of the pictures as they went on. As Mum and Dad started to disappear from the photos - when one was present the other was gone. Things were definitely not right, but I wasn't complaining.

Maybe it was my selfish nature speaking, but if they were together in civil ceremony there was still hope for some sort of family feeling. Plus mum was loads of fun when on her own and dad was the same.

Circling your, circling your, circling your head.

How ironic? The faint music vibrated through the house as I started speed-walking around to try to look for my phone.

Contemplating everything you ever said

Now I see the truth, I got -

I picked up an apple from the fruit basket in the kitchen before swiping up my phone from the kitchen counter next to it.

"Hello!" I took a violent bite from the apple, using the back of my hand to keep apple juice and bits from flying out of my mouth.

"Hello, Ms. Malik" The formal voice took me aback and I placed the apple down on the counter, wiping remaining juice off of my lips.

"Yes? I mea- this is she."

"I'm Alana Boris from Qantas. We have here on record that you are Mr. Jawwad Malik's emergency contact."

"Yes." I'm tentative with my answer.

"Is everything okay? He's meant to be getting on a flight today, what's going on?"

"Ms. Malik, we have limited information, but what we do know is that flight DY129 has gone missing and we would strongly suggest that you inform -"

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