➳ Chapter Nine

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You start regaining consciousness after having one of the best sleeps ever. You feel something hard under you and slowly lift your eyelids to see Sherlock's merely two inches away.

You nearly scream, but hold yourself back and relax. You look around and notice the two of you are still on the couch except now you're laying on top of Sherlock.

"Morning," he says while yawning, making himself look like a tired puppy, maybe more of an otter.

"Morning," you mumble, snuggling back into his body.

"We're going to get back to work, right? Those cases still need solving."

"Sherlock, some cases just don't get solved. We're not giving up, just being realistic. There are other cases that need our attention and we can't keep running into dead ends," you mutter.

"I guess you're right," he sighs, running a hand down your back.

"What time is it?"

"A little after noon. I've been up for a while, but I didn't want to wake you."

"Aren't you just sweet?" you tease.

"No," Sherlock grumbles. "By the way, I'm taking John out tonight for a little engagement celebration."

"Okay. Just don't get into too much trouble," you reply.

"I don't get into trouble, trouble finds me."

"Yeah, okay." You roll your eyes and lightly pat his chest before climbing off of his body against your will.

"Did you know you talk in your sleep?" he asks.

"I do not!" you retort, standing and walking toward your room.

"Yes, you do," Sherlock insists, heading to his own bedroom.

"Then what was I saying?" you challenge.

"Something on the lines of 'Sherlock, you're a way better detective. Kiss me,'" he mocks in a high-pitched voice.

"In your dreams!" you shout with a chuckle.

Mornings like this are something you could definitely get used to.


Later on in the day around nine o'clock, Sherlock is dressed in his normal clothing while you're in your pajamas. John should be arriving any minute, so you decided to walk Sherlock downstairs to the door.

"You're going to keep track of your blood-alcohol level, aren't you?" you ask.

"How did you know?" Sherlock questions.

"Because I know you can't just go out for drinks and have a good time without calculating something," you reply.

"You just know me so well, don't you?" he sarcastically questions.

"Of course." You smile and stand on your toes to steal a quick kiss.

"You two are finally together," John observes, appearing out of nowhere and causing you to pull away.

"Let's go," Sherlock says, giving you a quick grin before ushering John out of the flat.

You go back upstairs and into the living room where more papers, maps and pictures than usual are taped to the wall with strings connecting points. You and Sherlock worked all day on a more complicated case and you're honestly ready to keel over with the amount of brain power that was needed.

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