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The next few days passed by in a blur. I tried to go visit Jesse again multiple times, but every time I did, Officer Jackson would say that Jesse didn't want visitors. After a while, I started to get the message. Being at home was awful. I had completely moved past being mad at my brothers by this point, and now all that was left was the hurt they had caused. Every time I saw them I felt like I was being stabbed in the heart all over again. I spent most of my time in my room. School was bland. Melanie and Charlotte still ate lunch with me every day and tried to lift my spirits, which I appreciated, and they even sometimes made me smile again, but nothing felt quite right. I'd never gone more than a day without talking to my brothers. Plus, I was still reeling from everything that had happened. I couldn't believe that Sean was getting away with everything he did. I was so scared. I was also upset that Jesse was refusing my visits, so I was annoyed, and I couldn't imagine how I could ever make up with my brothers after what they did, so I was sad. More than anything, though, I was tired. I had barely been in school for two weeks now, and yet I was exhausted. I felt like I'd had the life drained out of me. The football guys had stayed trued to their word, though, and watched both me and Sean like hawks. He hadn't even dared to try and come near me.

The lunch bell rang, causing me to jump. I had barely paid attention all through class. Luckily, all we were doing was watching a movie. I slowly gathered up my stuff and shoved it all into my backpack, letting out a sigh. Swinging my bag over my shoulder, I got up and headed out of the room. If I kept my head down, I could easily make it out to meet Melanie and Charlotte.


I sighed and looked up to find Cal standing in front of me. There was a pained look on his face. I turned my gaze away.

"No. I just can't. I can't be near you right now, Cal. Any of you," I said.

"Please, Dyl," he begged, his voice cracking.

"You completely betraye-"


Before I could even turn around, a hand was wrapping around my waist. I stiffened.

"Let go of me, Sean," I said in an icy voice, enunciating each word clearly.

He tightened his grip.

"No," he whispered in my ear.

The smell of vodka filled my nose and I scrunched it up in distaste.

"Baby, you've been ignoring me," Sean grumbled.

"Get your hands off of my sister," Cal ground out, his eyes blazing.

Sean let out a laugh. "You told me I could have her. You sold her to me, remember? Fuck off."

"She isn't yours. She isn't an object. That's my sister and if you don't take your hands off of her I will break both of your arms."

Sean laughed again, darker this time. "You really going to threaten me? You want to fight over her?"

"She is my sister. We've literally been together our whole lives. I will fight for her until my last breath. Now, I'll say it one last time: Get. Off. My. Sister."

"Great. Fine. Let's do this then," Sean replied.

Without warning, he shoved me to the side and jumped on Cal. He punched Cal square in the jaw, knocking him to the ground. My eyebrows shot up. It took a lot to take out Cal, and he was definitely bigger than Sean. I wondered if he had simply been taken by surprise. To my astonishment, though, before Cal could retaliate, Sean was on top of him, punching him over and over in the face.

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