That reminded me, I looked at the clock at it read 12:30.

“I hate to be mean or anything, we have school tomorrow and it’s getting late.” I smiled nervously.

He looked up at the clock and shot up.

“Crap yeah, sorry I came so late, I didn’t realize the time.” He smiled apologetically.

“It's okay don’t worry about it. So I’ll see you tomorrow then?” I asked hopeful.

“Yeah, sure, I think we have Italian first, so I’ll see you in class.” He smiled.

I started walking with him to the door, but he turned around.

“Go to bed, you look really tired. I’ll let myself out.” He stepped closer to me, a little too close for my comfort zone. He leaned over and kissed my forehead.

“Have a good sleep gorgeous.” He smiled and left.

I smiled the whole way up into my room. Wasn’t he just the sweetest boy ever.

Three months ago I would have kicked myself if I said that about Scott.

I guess the saying stands. Never judge a book by its cover.

I woke up to Jason whispering on the phone. It wasn’t too loud but it was enough to wake me and put me in a mood.

“Jason can’t you talk outside, people are trying to sleep.” I stated.

“It’s time to get up anyway. You’d be late for school without me.” He smiled brightly.

“Yeah, yeah whatever!” I laughed.

I got downstairs and saw Mary feeding one of the younger ones. This was a first. She was always at work and wanted me to do all that.

“Mary I thought you were at work?” I asked sitting down at the table eating my piece of toast.

“I have today off.” She muttered.

“Oh, how come?”

She paused, “I got fired alright Oakley, Is that what you wanted to hear. I lost my job.” She yelled.
I gasped, without Mary working a job, the money issue was just going to get a whole lot harder.

“Are you going to look for another one today?” I asked.

“Why should I?” She asked.

“Without that money we will be broke!”

“I’m never home Oakley, all this money that I get, I don’t use.”

“That’s what you signed up for when you took us in. you have to take care of us, not just make me pay for it all. I can’t do that. I go to school work nearly every night. I don’t have any time to work another job.” I said.

“Stop going to school, you’re useless anyway, you’re not going anywhere in life, school is just you wasting money.”

“Mary I have to go to school!” I shot up.

“No you don’t. You can work one job during the day, and the second one at night. It could work.”

“What while you sit on your ass and do nothing?”

Mary stood up and walked in front of me. She was breathing heavily, angry.

“I will cook, clean, and make sure you are all okay.”

“Why now, you have never done that before. I feel like I have missed out on living like a teenager. You took that away from me. Always getting me to do things.  I’m sick and tired of it. I hate living here.” I yelled.

“Well them get out. I'm not stopping you Oakley, there's the door; you know how to open it.”

“Where do you expect me to go huh?” I asked.

“Live with the bloody babysitter, I saw you guys kissing a few days ago. I’m sure he’ll take you in. I thought I was doing you a favor bringing him here. It would be less work for you.”

“You shouldn’t have to have a babysitter; you should be doing that yourself.” I pointed to her.

She stared at me, wide eyes. A massive wake up call for her.

“Get to school. If you’re lucky you can stay there. I need to work things out. Get out of my house.” She pointed to the door. Without arguing I left the house.

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