Chapter 2

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"Hey can you guys stop sucking each other's face off? I can't see the board." Madeline whispered to Luke and Vanessa who just happened to sit right in front of her.

"Sorry doll face. Can't help it." Luke whispered back.

"Don't call me that." Madeline said with a groan.

A few more classes filled with couples went by and it was finally lunch. The worst hour of the day. All Madeline wanted to do everyday is eat her lunch. But instead she's on the verge of throwing up from seeing couple after couple making out with each other. Luke and Vanessa were the worst.

"I don't know how much longer I can take this, Sara."

"Take what?"


School was out and Madeline had to ride the bus home because her dad texted her and told her to. Madeline's mom had died about a year and a half ago and it was really hard for her dad. He became angry all the time and got physical if you made him really angry. Madeline knew how to avoid that now and was very careful about whats she said to her dad.

Madeline got off the bus and walked about three blocks to get home. When she got home she plopped down on her bed and went on her laptop. She checked her Twitter and saw that she had a DM from someone. She clicked on it and her face dropped when she saw who it was from. Luke Hemmings. What did he want? Why did he message me? She clicked on the message and read it.

Luke H.- Sorry about first period. Gotta do what ya gotta do. You weren't really interested in that sciencey stuff were you?

Oh my gosh. He apologized about making out with his girlfriend right in front of me? What the hell.

Madeline B.- Um I guess it fine? And no I wasn't interested in it but I don't really wanna fail because of two love birds that make out 24/7.

Luke H.- Haha you're sassy under all that shyness.

Madeline couldn't help but blush. She found herself smiling at what he had sent her. Whats going on right now?

Madeline B.- Well if I was "sassy" all the time then everyone would hate me. Oh wait everyone already does.

Luke H.- Hey don't say that doll face. I dont hate you.

Madeline B.- Oh thanks I guess

Luke H.- See ya tomorrow doll face

Madeline B.- bye

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