I got tagged :D

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I got tagged!!!!!

OK so you gotta answer all 29 questions

And tag 13 people

So have fun :)

1. Single? Yeah

2. Crushing? Yeah

3. Favorite Food? Mashed Potatoes

4. Favorite Color? Blue

5. Favorite Music genre? Christian, Pop, Celtic, Rock, and Country

6. Favorite Music Artists? Hollyn, Tobymac, Shawn Mendes, Blanca, Lathan Warlick, Gawvi, Skillet, Justin Bieber (his new music), The Chainsmokers, and more

7. Talents? Singing, Acting, and Writing

8. In love? Yeah with two different guys actually🙊😅

9. Hobbies? Pinning, writing, reading...

10. Gamer? Not really

11. Swag/ emo/ scene? Uh no

12. Long/ Short Hair? long

13. Height? 5 feet 1 inch (I'm very short!)

14. Jacket/Hoodie? I like hoodies the best

15. Eye color? blue/green with a gold ring around my pupils

16. Hair Color? Brown

17. Shirt Color? Currently Black

18. Jeans/ Shorts? Depends on the weather

19. Have had depression? Yes when I was homeschooled for a few months of sixth grade I got super depressed and lonely then I went back to public school I was back with my friends and the depression was gone :)

20. Daydream? Sometimes

21. Thought of food? Yeah all the time

22. Someone you love? JESUS!!!!!!! And my family and friends

23. Someone you hate? SATAN my worst enemy!!!!!!!!

24. Dream Job? Music Artist

25. Got tattoo's? I'm literally 13! Why would I have a tattoo??

26. Got piercings? I have my ears pierced I may get them double pierced when I'm older

27. Worst day of your life? Probably one day this year

28. Best day of your life? Idk but this week has been pretty great

29. Biggest Fear? Becoming a person who purposefully does the extremely bad mortal sins and get going to hell

I tag,













100 Facts About Me:DTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang