Eventually Scarlet noticed a large sign with the words 'WILLY'S LOCAL INN, WELCOME TO ANY PAYING CUSTOMER' plastered on the front of it.

She pointed to it trying to get the attention of a very distracted Ace, who seemed to be eyeing a few people talking quietly across the small, cracked road.

Scarlet began to tug on his shirt sleeve, after what seemed like forever; he looked down at her as she pointed to it for the second time.

Ace looked up at the sign quickly reading it. "Good job," he said quietly, patting her head like an obedient dog.

They entered the building with old furniture and peeling wallpaper. The place seemed empty except for a slightly chubby man with an apparent beer belly sitting in a chair that looked like it was being crushed from all of the weight.

He seemed as though he was starting to doze off as his eyes were slowly shutting. Walking cautiously towards the desk the man was sat behind. Scarlet made sure to stay close behind him, not wanting anything bad to happen.

Ace loudly cleared his throat as the man began to snore. He abruptly woke up from his unexpected slumber, surprised to see that he had company.

Clearing his own throat, the man began to speak. "Uh, welcome to my fine inn, where all who are willing to pay are welcome," he said, almost quoting the sign from outside.

There was a short silence, before he started talking again. "So how many nights do you think you will be staying? Almost every room is available for your choosing. Just pick a room, and I'll give you the key once you pay."

Ace nodded, staying silent. Scarlet followed him down a short hallway. It looked as if there was six rooms at the most.

Deciding on the room on the left side of the hallway, closest to the end of the hall.

Turning around we walk back to the desk to pick up our room key.

Scarlet turned to look at the room they were inn when they first entered the inn.

There was a few pieces of furniture and decorations but not much. A faded painting was placed above an itchy looking couch made of old looking material.

Next to the couch there was a rusty, fold-able chair and a fake plant. She let out a sigh and turned to look back at Ace.

The man looked up from his desk and smiled. "So which room did you guys choose?"

Ace replied by saying room five. "Hmm..so room five," he paused briefly to grab a key with a tag on it with a bold '5' decorating the front of it,"will be $68 a night. How many nights will you be staying?"

"Just for tonight, we'll be leaving in the morning," Ace said lowly. He nodded,"Alrighty, you have to pay in cash only. Call for me if you need me, my name is Willy by the way." Ace sighed as he took out his wallet-handing Willy the payment for tonight's stay.

He smiled at them as they walked away after he handed them the key thanking them for choosing his inn.

Walking back down the hallway they turn to the left facing the door. Putting the key into the place above the door's handle.

Turning the key; then the handle, Ace pushes open the door.

The room was pretty small. There was a medium sized bed and another one of those couches-like the one from the room they were just in.

Scarlet let out a yawn, causing Ace to turn his attention to her. "Are you tired?" He questioned, looking straight at her.

"A little," she said, rubbing her eyes with her hands.

"You can go to sleep for a while if you want, you can take the bed-I'll have the couch. I'll be here when you wake up,"he said smiling slightly, taking a seat on the couch.

Scarlet sent a nod in his direction, pulling the covers back-she lays down.

Closing her eyes, she slowly falls asleep. As odd as it seems, she kind of trusts that there is a good person in Ace. She could tell that about him the moment he let her live.

Scarlet believes that he will take her home soon; and she fell asleep with positive thoughts filling her mind.


That was the end of this chapter! This was my longest chapter yet in this book!! Hope you enjoyed reading it, curious about whats gonna happen next?

Please be patient I will update as soon as I can, don't give up on my book to soon. I have many plans for this book.

Thank you for reading, please leave comments regarding your thoughts on this chapter or my book as a whole(:

Enjoy the rest of your day, 


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