The Fishers

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"Wait until you see this view!" Thomas yells from the lake. I can't believe he convinced me into climbing up this god awful mountain to get to a lake. To fish. But I am the one who convinced him to come on this trip, after all.

I take another step off of the path up to the valley. The trip up here has me feeling like I am going to die. The first hike of our trip was supposed to feel easy, but I feel like I just ran a 5k while juggling chainsaws. I will admit, the crystal clear lake is a sight to see.

At a first glance, the lake is loaded with fish. I pull my fly fishing rod case out of my backpack, and begin to set it up. It feels like second nature, this being my fifth or sixth year with a fly fishing rod. By now Thomas has already set his rod up, and is heading down to the lake to fish. I follow him a ways away and begin to fish, as well.

After about an hour or so, a storm begins to move in. I signal to Thomas that we should probably head down. We head up the small hill back to the trail, and I notice that Thomas has met a very lovely elderly couple. "Hello, I'm Lynda, and this is my husband Walt" the older woman starts. "Your boyfriend here is quite the fisherman!" " Thank you, ma'am, but Thomas is basically my brother." I explain."My name is Alex. It's very nice to meet you." I say as I offer her my hand. We start down the path, as the clouds start to move in closer on us.

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