Russian Delight 【Immortal x Nova】

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Warning: Boy x Boy fan fiction 

Also very bad grammar hopefully you don't mind that -Sobs as English isn't my native language-


The Russian also known as Aleks sighed to himself. For the past week he had been stuck with all of the creatures not that he hated it but he wished he could have some time to himself. He had been stuck between the emotions of happiness and annoyance while having to hang out with them all. He slumped into his chair thoughts running through his mind about what he should be doing later. He was planning to meet up with James later. Out of all the creatures currently present James was the only one missing.

He snapped out of his thoughts of what to do with James later when he got nudged by his fox friend. "Are you even listen to what we're saying you butt?" Aleks perked his head up when he heard Eddie say that. "Well I've only now just started listening to what you're all saying if that counts as listening" Dan spoke up to inform Aleks on what they had talked about while he was off in thought. "We were all planning on going to see a movie later tonight are you in?" Aleks shook his head a little lifting his hand waving it a little declining their ofter. "I promised James I'd hang out with him later as we haven't done much together other than record and we've been recording less together than we normally do so you know" Eddie upon hearing that started to joke around and wrapped his arms around himself pretending to kiss someone. "Oh I know what you want to do with James" All what came from Eddie after saying that was giggling and the sounds of pain coming from him when Aleks punched him in the arm.

While Aleks was gay he had never told the others nor did he have a crush on James. "Alright alright you don't need to be so mad you butt" Aleks just rolled his eyes at that he wasn't much in a mood to start a fight. Dan laughed slightly heading towards the door tugging at sly's arm. "Come on come on we'll be late if we don't go now" Aleks turned his head towards the group walking out of the door. "For someone who said they were going to see a movie later you sure are going early" Before he had even finished his sentence the door had been closed.

He sighed to himself this time giving a sigh of relief well it looked like he had a few good on hours to spend before James was over. He tapped his finger on his leg his leg shaking with anticipation. Well he did have a few hours to himself finally maybe he could have a little bit of fun? Aleks had a fetish the others wouldn't understand so he liked to do it when he was on his own. Well he could do it now right...? He got  up from the couch he was sitting on and started to walk up to his room.

He pulled out a box he had hidden under his bed and opened it up what he had in the box was filled with nothing else but girl clothes. Ah that's right he had a fetish for cross-dressing. Pretty disgusting right? That's why he could never tell his friends not to mention the fact that he didn't look feminine so he just looks weird dressed up like a girl. He didn't know what it was he just enjoyed wearing womens clothing. He started to put the clothing on himself. His attire now was all pink except from the red skirt he was wearing. He had lately gotten a bit bigger down there what just made the panties he was wearing get tighter. He really was the worse getting turned on by such a thing maybe he just had a fetish for humiliation? Who knew.

He looked at himself in the mirror his face was bright red even his ears were starting to turn red he really was perverted. At that moment the door slammed open. "I know we were suppose to be meeting up in an hour or so but I got bored so I came clearly I also-" James stopped in sentence as he laid his eyes upon Aleks wearing something what looked like a pink school girls oufit. Aleks face went redder than it already was as if that was a thing he tried to speak but all what came out of his mouth was high pitched stuttering. "I-I-I-I-I-I-I" He couldn't even form his sentences right he wanted to say he could explain but there was noway he'd be able to explain this to James.


Yes I made Aleks a cross-dresser shocking isn't it or at least someone who has a fetish for cross-dressing  \(oAo\)

I'll continue this if people let me know that they want a next part as I already know what I'll do for a couple of chapters but I don't want to start writing out a next part if people don't enjoy it 

I also apologize for my very sucking grammar but there's nothing I can do about it as English isn't my mothertongue and I'm still learning. If someone is willing to help me and edit grammar into this then feel free to send me a PM correcting it and I'll change it also give you credit for helping. 

Russian Delight 【Immortal x Nova】Where stories live. Discover now