twenty three

88 7 12

tuesday 4:27pm

troye: me and my boyfriend broke up

jacob: aw really what happened?

troye: well he hadn't had any contact with me since i was at his house, so i called him, and we talked, and i broke up with him

jacob: r u okay about it, do u think it was the right choice?

troye: i'm upset but it was for the best i guess, we just didn't really work out. we were so different u know?

jacob: hmm i understand
jacob: if u ever want to talk about it i'm always always always here for u troye

troye: i know jacob, thank you. i'm also here for u too

jacob: thanks troye x

troye: <33

really ☔︎ tracobHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin