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"This doesn't seem right" (your friend's name) said as me and (him/her) were walking through a dark forest.

"Oh c'mon (your friend's name) don't be such a pussy" I laughed crazy.

"Seriously haven't you heard!" (He/she) exclaimed.

"Heard of what?" I rolled my eyes still walking deeper.

"Are you an idiot!? People have said this forest is full of murder i have heard they said theres this guy that has a mask and he's dangerous he slits your throat with his machete, buries you alive, hes murdered about a thousand people, lots of people are curious about that legend they think its fake but it's clearly 100% real and they all die for walking or coming to his forest near his home!" (She/He) fears.

I stand there thinking for a while.
"Well still now you gave me a big idea lets totally go look for him and see if this stupid legend is real!" I say in excitement.

"Fuck no bye" my friend starts walking back from where we first came from.
"What! Oh c'mon! Please!" I beg
"I don't want to die here so no and you won't convince me bc theres no way you will, im not willing to die in this creepy ass forest with some creepy ass serial killer" (he/she) says walking further away and soon is gone.

I groan, whatever i don't believe in these to be so Legends  I scoffed.
I walked more further into the forest to be honest all that walk was peaceful hearing birds chirping and some insects singing.

It seemed awesome but soon it was about to sunset and I realized i had to go back.
I walked back but i heard noises around me, i looked back of me and sideways as I standed still to make sure it wasn't me making noise. As everything was quiet it was weird i started to get chills and started walking again but a little more faster though.
More walking and still haven't found my way back now i know im lost and I fear for my life now because its kinda dark.
I hear more loud noises behind me I didn't want to look back so I started running as fast as I could to wherever I could until i heard the noise still following me but it sounded like it was running after me thats when I finally turned around and i saw a tall man wearing a hockey mask, blue sweater, black pants and shoes, he had a machete in his hand.

I couldn't help myself anymore but yell for help as i ran faster, i tried finding a hiding spot to lose him.
As i was running faster I could hear him fade i ran behind a abandoned wreck car and took heavy breaths as I peeked out the car and see nothing but the forest trees and darkness, i sit and wait for my stamina to fill up to prepare to run again.

I took out my phone to make a emergency call but just fucking great no service, I shoved my phone back to my pocket and I peeked again to make sure the coast was clear, as i peeked the mask man appeared right in my face and knocked me down.


I woken up to find myself in a room and finding myself being cuffed in the bed, theres a mirror just across the room and i can clearly see myself, i have a bruise on my head and dry that seemed to be dripping blood earlier.
I looked around the room to search for any useful items that could free myself from here and these handcuffs.
I see that the windows are build up with wood planks and nails all over the wooded planks, i look up and see a vent that seems like im able to fit there since im not tall or too heavy weight.
Now that I found a way to escape I just need to find something to get those handcuffs off.

I hear footsteps approaching, i fear as i look to the door that opens and the man enters he walks and stands just across the bed and i move far from what i can from him, i stare into his blue eyes as i can feel his stare at mine with no blink from any of us until i break the silence.

"Please don't kill me, im sorry i walked to your forest and near your home I didn't do anything please " i began to cry as I hugged my knees with my only one free arm.

I looked back up at him since he didn't respond again we looked at each others eyes but now he can see mine red and puffy from crying.

"If you try to escape i will kill you " with that he left the room.

Im terrified I should of have listened to my friend but my curiosity got the best of me for being a complete dumbass.
What am I going to do now? How am I supposed to escape this house of a murder creepy guy.

H20's pov

I walked to the living room and sat there to rethink what I've done.
I kidnapped a beautiful young lady...
But those eyes though.... Those beautiful (E/C) eyes.... I was so caught up in them... I felt a connection.... And i fear to let her escape, or lose her, not because she's going to call the cops but because I feel something inside of me that I can't explain... This weird feeling... This isn't how i am, delirious stop! I have to torture her... I grab my machete but i feel weak... I cant do this....


I walk to the kitchen and make some breakfast, biscuits, eggs, bacon and orange juice, i put them all in a trey and i walk to where the girl is i open the door to see her asleep so I carefully put the trey beside her in the bed and walk out shutting the door.

Your pov

I hear the door shut and I quickly wake up with fear to find him here looking at me but no i find a trey of breakfast near me thank god i been starving since yesterday.

I take the Trey with my free hand and start to eat up.

After a while he returns and sits in a chair across the bed staring at me, i feel uncomfortable.

"What's your name" he asks which surprises me that he's curious about my name.

I stay silent for a bit "(y/n)..." I hasitate..

"Beautiful name" he replies
Is he flirting with me? No! He's trying to do something he's trying to trap me hes a fucking killer!

I stay silent and dont say a word back.

"Delirious " he says a single word, that's his name?

"..." I can't talk....

He gets up and walks to the door as he holds the doorknob

"You dont look like you're ready to talk up, i want to know everything about you, im curious, but I'll be back when you're ready enough to speak up" he says as he leaves me there in complete confusion and surprised at the same time.

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