Chapter 3- Pathetic Principal, I Love You...Tube

Start from the beginning

"I know I saved you twice, but you don't have to call me Jeezus. Honestly, it's too flattering for me," he says with a smirk. I snort. Even nice guys like Adam can be cocky at times. His face turns serious for a second as he adds, "I guess I'm just worried for you. So you're the wonder girl that got on Chase's bad side?"

"One hundred percent guilty. Remind me not to open my mouth when I'm moody because then, I can't control what I say," I give him a light smile. We are both currently sitting on the bed, side by side. 

"Hey, we all do that sometimes. It's okay," he states reassuringly. He glances curiously at me and states, "I admire you for being so upfront about your thoughts. You're a one of a kind."

"I'll take that as a compliment." I smile nervously and shift uncomfortably in my seat.

If you don't mind answering, what did you say to him that made him so angry?"

"I'm not really sure about that myself," I say as I look up at the ceiling trying to remember the details of the unfortunate encounter with Chase. I feel guilty as I think about the pretty rude things I did say to him. "Rude... ugly... frightening... and yeah, I called him a monster."

Adam looks at me as if I just told him I shot someone using a Heckler-Koch HK MG4 MG43 Machine Gun. Heck, I don't even know what that is, but it sure does sound pretty bad.

"Wait. You called Chase a monster?" he asks brimming with disbelief and shock. 

I nod slowly. "I really didn't mean it. I guess it just slipped out of my mouth because I felt so angry and moody. I feel bad thinking about it now."

"It's too late to be sorry now. I'm surprised he didn't slice you into pieces. If there's one thing you shouldn't say to Chase, it is the word monster," Adam closes his eyes and rubs his temple. "Out of all the words you could've called him, why did it have to be monster? There's jerk, douchebag, asshole, or you could even get clever and call him a narcissistic nincompoop."

My curiosity overpowers me as I ask, "Why the word monster? And how do you know about Chase?" 

He looks at me straight in the eye, his gaze full of intensity and another emotion I can't quite decipher. "Sorry, you'll find out when the time comes."

I nod and he responds by looking down at the floor. I, too, stare at the ground as awkward seconds slowly pass by. I despise awkward situations strongly, because it makes me feel powerless not knowing what to say or do.

Adam breaks the ice by mumbling, "I hate to say this, but there's a part of me that is glad Chase hates you."

I give him a bewildered look. Is he saying that because he thinks I deserve to be treated horribly after calling Chase a monster? Maybe I do deserve it.

"Because if he isn't trying hard to hurt you, I wouldn't be able to have the chances of protecting you."

After a few more minutes of chatting, Adam had to go because it was already way pass school dismissal time. He offered to have his chauffeur give me a lift home, but I refused, because I still had to do something before leaving school.

Now, here I am, right outside the principals office. I put a heavy amount of thought into Chase. Although I did do wrong by calling him a monster, he isn't completely right either. It's a fact that he's a sadist who loves to see Freshmans suffer. It's a fact that he kind of sexual harassed me with his lips. It's a fact that he left me in the roof for two hours, clothes wet and all.

It's a fact that he has some kind of blackmail against the principal of the school.

I knock on the door and after hearing a slight 'come in', I reach for the door knob, first inspecting if a condom is on it. It's funny how the pranks have actually benefited me. I am now more aware of all my surroundings.

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