My Angel

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(Y/N) and I planned to go on a date the next night. I helped (Y/N) unpack and soon left with a heart that was jackhammering against my rib cage.
'Frank, you're making a mistake!' My head screamed as I entered my house and exhaled deeply.
'(Y/N)'s perfect...'
'I hate them.'
'I hate them too.'
I easily ignored the voices and made my way into my bedroom, not bothering to get dinner. I flopped onto my bed and peacefully listened to my thoughts.
'Frank, I will kill you.'
My eyes shot open, but no one was there.
'If you keep taking that fucking medication I will make your life hell.'
'Worth it.' I just smiled and dozed off, dreaming about the Angel next door.

'How do I look?'
'Back into the naughty corner you two go!' I excitedly popped open my ziprasidone and swallowed two pills. I looked at myself one last time, taking in the sight of my dirty pants and slayer shirt. 'Too casual? Nah. You-I look good.' I bolted out of the house and jumped over the fence that separated our houses before quickly knocking on (Y/N)'s door. The moment they opened, I gulped loudly. (Y/N) was wearing black, ripped jeans and a Blink-182 shirt.
'I'm glad I'm not the only one who decided to dress casual.' She swiftly leaned forward and pecked my cheek before asking where we were gonna go.
'I-I uh...I d-didn't plan past this.' I admitted, noticing a bottle of prescription medication on the table behind them.
'How about you show me around? I am new after all. I moved here from Australia, so I'm kinda clueless on-'
'A-Australia? You don't sound like it! What's it like?' I cut (Y/N) off, suddenly flashing the brightest smile I had ever made.
'I'll tell you on one condition.'
'You have to make me dinner.'

In the end, (Y/N) came over to my house. We sat on the couch and loudly slurped two minute noodles together while watching A Clockwork Orange. Foul pick, but it seemed interesting. Meer minutes into the movie, (y/n) began to shake violently. A woman was getting raped, and (y/n) looked shocked at the screen. I thought she was enjoying the movie until she truly began to freak out. She screamed loudly, covering her ears and smacking her eyes shut. She rocked back and forth as I quickly shut the tv off.
'Are you okay?' I placed my hand on her arm, but she just flinched and whimpered loudly.
'B-Bad man...don't touch me there, daddy...please stop...' She mumbled under her breath. I scooted closer and wrapped my arms around her, whispering softly into her night black hair.
'Maybe I'm blind to all of the signs one ever wanted me...' I sang softly, running my fingers soothingly across her arm. She slowly began to calm, listening to my voice.
'Y-You're a good singer...' She muttered, surrendering to my embrace.
'What happened?'
'I-It's nothing...please, just keep holding me...'

We began watching Donnie Darko instead, and began sharing thoughts.
'So, why'd you move here?'
(Y/N) fell quiet, placing their noodles on the table.
''s not a happy story. Before I tell you, I want to know something. If you could change one thing in this world with a wish, what would it be?'
I silently placed my noodles next to theirs before mumbling.
'I really don't know...there's so many things I want to change, one wish wouldn't be enough.'
'Sure it is. You just have to use it wisely.' (y/n) scooted closer to me and rested their head on my shoulder.
'What would you wish for?'
'I'd wish for God to kill us all...' Their tone suddenly became dark, giving me a moment to take in the words.
'Why not? Wouldn't you like to see how the world goes without us?'

'Once upon a time a beautiful young lady named (y/m/n) got engaged to a psycho and had a child named (y/n). I was neglected as a young child and had to take care of everyone. When I turned fourteen, my mummy hung herself and daddy was to blame. He was crazy, you see and thought that if he couldn't make himself feel good then he'd just take it out on the mess before you. Then the next ten years turn into a replay of rape, abuse and drugs until (y/n) decides to run away at the age of 24. (Y/n) spent the next year dealing drugs for money until I- they were able to get money for some furniture and a house in New Jersey. And here they are.'
I was taken aback by (y/n)'s story, almost horrified.
'Oh my-'
'Don't. I don't want anymore pity, just someone else's story...'
'I-I um...' I stuttered.
'Don't say it!'
'Shut up!' I quickly jumped up, ran into the bathroom and popped two more pills of ziprasidone. (Y/n) soon walked in, shaking in their boots.
'Frank? You ok-'
I cut them off by slamming our lips together in a fit of anger and concern. Angry because of what had happened to (y/n), and concern that I was going absolutely insane. She instantly submitted, but something felt off. The moment I realised what I was doing and stepped back, (y/n) was crying heavily.
'S-Shit, sorry, I-I-'
She cut me off by stepping forward and hugging me tightly, stuffing their face in my chest.
'T-The memories hurt...F-Frank, I'm sorry...I-I know we j-just met but I just...'
'It's okay. I understand, really. Sometimes it's better falling head first for people you barely know.' I spoke quietly, allowing (y/n) to quietly sniffle in my arms.
'F-Frank, you're s-so ni-ce...'
'I try.'

That night, she and I laid together in my bed, fully clothed and fatigued.
'You're lousy at dating..' (Y/n) snuggled closer to me, taking in how warm I was. I let her stay, but it was because after her outburst I couldn't let her stay alone. We did nothing but relax, waiting for the sweet taste of sleep.
'Why do I find you so interesting?' I couldn't help but ask as she began to doze off. She mumbled something, finally passing out.

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