Chapter 6: New York

Start from the beginning

"Go! I don't want you to see me like this" he said nonchalantly while sniffing up his tears

I followed what was instructed and found a bed and fell asleep, nigga I was jet lagged like a motha-fucka!

I slowly woke up to see Chris staring at me.

"Chris?" I asked groggily

"Yeah! Can we talk?" He asked.

"Um, sure!" I put on my hoodie while walking into I guess the dining room where Chris motioned for me to sit.

"Shoot!" I said. He smiled

"Look there's something you should know about me, Ciara I like you and though you don't show it I know you like me too, I'm just being honest, I used to fuck a different bitch every other day, but you're different I just wanna tell you, why I am the way I am and most importantly who I am because I doubt you truly know who Chris is" he said staring deep into my light brown eyes.

I took a deep breath, "Okay, I'm ready!"

"4 years ago my soon to be fiancé Robyn formally known as Rihanna was murdered no one knows what happened they just said they found her body and I didn't even wanna see it I never even went to her funeral and I used to have night mates every single night things got worst when people thought I killed her that haunted me I would never kill my fiancé, I had nightmares every night for a year and then I finally visited her her grave and everything was back to normal except the fact that I promised my self I would never fall back in love partied got drunk did drugs for 4 year I just got clean for the drugs, been clean for about 8 months but, I finally stop wanting it since the 2 months I've spent with you. Ciara I can assure you I am no where near perfect but I am worth it. I promised my self to love no other girl but, I've found myself falling in love with you."

A smile appeared largely on my face. I leaned in kissing him on his lips.

"I love you too." I said

"This is amazing, but, I still need to know your story... If you don't mind" he said looking deeply into my eyes.

"I don't think, Chris I'm sorry... I really wanna talk about anything but that I'm so sorry" I said.

I wasn't ready to tell him....yet!

"It's fine, you will when your ready" he said..

*•*•*•* Next Day *•*•*•*


I'm at the photo shoot running and Chris spent all night talking about everything I just wasn't ready to tell him about Robbie he's a really sweet guy I didn't even know he asked Rihanna to marry him at 17 years old damn! Anyway I'm in the photo shoot building it's a winter photo shoot I am working with a male model my age I'm sooo excited i mean a male model? Seriously! I love my life.

"Come this way Ciara" Tyra said leading me into the dressing room wear I changed into this really nice outfit I was modeling clothing for Diamond and Co clothing which I loved this was my first official photo-shoot I could not wait!

I then was lead into another room for make up, the make up artists face was turned not facing me but she looked familiar with her back turned.

"Hi I'm your make up artist you can call me *turns to face Ciara*

"Mom?" I said surprised yet angry.

"Oh my gosh! Ciara honey!" She cheered.

She leaned in for a hug. But I quickly got out of my chair and moved away.

"What?" I asked her in a strict tone.

"What? I haven't seen you for 4 whole years that's what!" She said placing a hand on her hip.

"Look I am not 17 anymore don't talk to me like you're my legal guardian"

"We'll can I at least ask how you been?"

"We'll I'm a model if that explains anything"

"My baby girl a model! I raised you right" she said.

I got mad

"Correction, I raised my damn self I have been doing that since the age of 13, you were raising that son of a bitch Robbie" I yelled

"So that's what this is about... Robbie"

"Ya damn skippy" I yelled

"We'll Ciara I'm sorry I wasn't as good as a parent after you're father died its just Robbie came along and I was vulnerable I wanted the closest thing to love and he was it" she said tears welling up in her eyes.

"Bull shit!! Mom or Destiny whatever you want to be called I told you to leave his sorry ass a long time ago and you're acting like he was just perfect. Is a nigga that beats you every night love? Is a nigga that calls you names breaking down you self esteem love? is him putting you in a coma for 6 months love? or y'know what Fukkit I've made my point already.

I wasn't gonna tell her that he tried to rape me I just couldn't.

"Ciara I'm sorry! I'm am sorry! But I can't change it okay I just want my daughter back!" She shouted back

I began to feel tears pouring out of my eyes

" I want my mom back to!" I cried into her shoulder as she held me tightly.

I had my mom back :)


I had just got done with the photo shoot!

"Here's my number call me sometime" Diggy said handing me. a post it note with numbers written on it he winked at me grabbed his duffle bag and left

Yeahh Diggy Simmons was themodel! I'm acting professional now but later I'll be screaming later

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