Chapter 6: New York

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I'm not gonna lie I miss the New York air and people with their strong ass accents but, I'm here for one reason and one reason only for the winter photo shoot and then my ass in up and out of chea!

Chris has been with me the entire time it's quite funny, how bad he wants me when I don't even show a simple sign that I want him even though I'm starting to...

We were now just getting off the plane and into the JFK Airport in New York.

"Red Lipstick, Rose Petals, Heart Break....Marilyn Monroe" (Love without Tragedy by Rihanna)

Blasted the speakers of my phone signifying that someone was calling me.

I reached into my back pocket about to grab my phone when I glanced over at Chris then directly stared at him he looked like he'd seen a ghost he eyes turned a bit watery even...

"Chris are you okay?" I asked ignoring the call and cutting off the volume.

He just stared into space as if he was in the presence of a ghost right before his eyes.

"CHRIS!?!" I yelled clapping my hands in front of him.

"Oh! Um, yes?" he said snapping out out his thoughts.

"Are you okay, you looked startled when the music came on!" I asked.

"Look Ciara I have to go, he said walking out of the airport holding my hand look my condo is on North Hollywood Baalen Street Brick with 2 statues above it it's hidden it doesn't even look like a condo but, I'm not feeling it so, I'm just gonna grab our stuff as take It too the condo why don't you do some shopping I mean you did once live here" he said fake smiling.

I automatically felt something was wrong with Chris he seemed all fidgety and frightened maybe he did need some time for himself, so I smiled back and hugged him as he got into a cab and drove off, what was his problem?


Rihanna! Everything I thought I had removed from my mind came back, it was 4 years ago! But, all the sadness came back! I was angry, I had to do something I went into my back room which I called my "Graffiti Room" and began spray-painting all my feeling on the wall while listening to Rihanna last album 'Unapologetic' before she died blasting the songs with a bottle full of whiskey "Rih????" I screamed out...



All I did was go to Starbucks for a coffee before finding the condo Chris told me about, I found a key under the mat and unlocked the door!

I heard loud music, comings from the back room...

"Loud Music? Thats. Soo. Chris." I said to myself until I heard the some of a yelling in agony and a glass breaking I quickly rushed into the room finding Chris or so I thought!

"Chris?" I yelled cutting off the stereo.

He was laying in a corner holding his bleeding hand and broken liquor bottles glass covered the floor I then notice what the room was some kind of art room I walk in finding a portrait of Rihanna it was really good but, this wasn't an ordinary Rihanna she looked like "Death" I forgot what happened to her people say she disappeared 4 years ago, I then remember her and Chris used to date.

"What happened to her?" I asked Chris who now was still in the corner having tears fly from his face without making a sound he just stared at the floor!

"She's gone" he said quietly.

"Rihanna died?"

He slowly nodded. I felt bad for, him and Rihanna were the medias everything!

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