I didn't listen to much of the class because I was to focused on the beanie kid that walked into our class late. He didn't seem to care and the teacher only look disappointed. Beanie kid took a seat at the table in front of Hailey and I.

The bell rang and knocked me out of my thoughts. I gathered my things and waited for Hailey. We walked to our next class which was gym. Thank god that she is with me. I don't think I would survive. Beanie kid was walking in front of us and then turned to go into a different class I realized was French. "Who is that?" I ask Hailey and point to Beanie kid. "Oh. Don't mess with him. That's Theo. He's the typical bad boy." She said as if it was nothing. I nodded but was intrigued. I wanted to know more.

We entered the girls locker room. I didn't have any clothes for gym so I got sit out today. The rest of the day passed in a blur. I got all the textbooks for each class and was expected to do the homework. I pulled the strap of my bag higher on my shoulder as I walked home. I walked home alone. Turns out Hailey doesn't live in the apartment complex, she was just visiting her uncle. I made my way into the apartment building. I waved hi to the lady at the desk and got in the elevator.

When I walked into my new home my nose was infiltrated with the stench of whiskey. Chad was here. He always smelled like whiskey. I immediately heard some shrieks of laughter as stepped to my room. The were coming from Roe's room. I step into my room and try to push the thought of what they could possibly doing in there.

I sit on my bed and pull out my work from today. I hardly understand what I have to do. I should have paid more attention in class but it was boring. They were way ahead of what we were learning in Wyoming. I tried my best and completed my work in less than 2 hours.

I get up and go out to cook dinner for Roe and Chad. Maybe Roe will let me have some tonight. I walk out and see them making out on the couch. I clear my throat and they stop immediately. "Get the hell out of here!"  She yells. I quickly make my way to the kitchen and see that we have all the cooking utensils from home. I get out the deli meat and bread to make us sandwiches. I plug in the Panini press  to get it warmed up.

Believe it or not, Roe used to cook for us. That's why we have good cooking supplies. She was a extremely good at cooking and baking. She stopped after she had developed this major hating towards me.

I made three ham and cheese sandwiches just in case she was feeling a little sympathy tonight. When I finished I put them on three different plates and walked out in the living room. Thankfully they were watching T.V. "Dinner is finished and is sitting on the counter in the kitchen." I told them. "Bring them to us. And fix yourself something. You are getting way to skinny. Don't want someone to find out and then we move again." I nodded and went back to the kitchen and got their plates.

I scarfed down my sandwich. That is the real meal I've had in the past 4 days. I cant figure out why Roe is being so lenient. I don't really care because it only makes my life easier. I walk back out and they are gone. I hear some thumping from Roe's room. Ewwww." I'M GOING OUT!" I shout from the living room. I don't get a reply so I grab my shoes and put them on. I also grab a jacket. It's mid October in California and it's also about night time so it gets chilly.

I get me key and put it in my pocket. I slide out the door rushing to leave. I walk to the elevator and hit the button for it to come up. I stand against the wall and wait for a few moments before I decide to take the stairs. I quickly but carefully walk down the stairs. I reach the ground floor and get out. 

I step out into the California air. I take a deep breath and smile. I walk around to the other side of the apartment complex and see some woods. Curiosity gets the best of me and I walk to the edge of the woods. I continue to walk through the woods.

The moss covered trees are massive and beautiful. I keep walking admiring the view. I eventually find a fallen tree across a small stream. I climb on top the tree and walk slowly across the stream. I jump off on the other side. I look up and see rays of the setting sun coming through the tree tops. I sit on the damp mossy ground. I lay back and let the rays warm me.

I must've fallen asleep because when I open my eyes, I'm in complete darkness. I start to feel panic rise in the back of my throat. I start to retreat out of the woods. I try to take the way I remember coming in but it's hard when you are in pitch black.

I trip over a branch and fall and hit arm. I hold it and feel a warm liquid pool in my light jacket. I get up and try to forget about my injury. I try to find my way back again. I start to see lights and I walk towards them. I frown when I see that they are far away. I keep walking towards them and my frown turns into a bright smile.

I stumbled upon a ledge that looks out at the entire city of Pomona. It is utterly beautiful. I gasp in awe. I look out for what feels like hours. I see that it is a clear night and the moon is high in the sky. I watch it rise higher. I finally feel my eye lids start to get heavy. I need to get back. Oh my god, Roe is going to kill me.

I get up and start to run down a hill that looks like it leads to the edge of the woods. I feel my lungs burning so I slow my run to a jog. I push my way through the long leaves and brush. I'm sure I have a bunch of holes in my pant legs now.

I finally reach the edge of the forest but I'm not where I started. I'm in a place where I haven't been before. I get out on the side walk and walk towards a gas station. I walk in and see the Beani- Theo, standing at the check out. What time is it? Who comes out at this time of night? Oh yeah me.

I pause by the door and our eyes meet. I start to panic. I quickly avert my eyes and go to the other clerk who was getting things from under the desk. "Excuse me miss?" I say as I feel Theo's eyes on me. The clerk lifts her head to see who called her. "Yes?" She asks sweetly. I smile at her and ask my question. "Can you tell me how to get to the apartment complex on Rayes St.?" She nods and tells me how to get there.

I see that Theo has already left. "Can you tell me the time too?" She looks at the clock she has on the desk. "11:26, darling." She smiles and I thank her. I walk back outside and am greeted by the cool air again.

"What are you doing out here so late?" a voice asks from behind me. I almost scream from the jump scare. I turn around and place a hand over my heart trying to get it to calm down. "I got lost in the woods. I don't know where I am so I asked someone." I snapped.

Theo looked taken back by my outburst. "So. What are you doing out here, besides scaring the living shit out of me?" I ask. "I was getting...stuff for my...dad." He said, not sounding convincing. He started to walk away. I watched his as he got onto a motorcycle. Dear lord, this boy drives a motorcycle. He started it up and revved the engine.

He drove it my way and stopped in front of me. "Want a ride?" He asked with a smirk. I nodded yes and went to get on. He drove it up just a little bit further. I frowned as he laughed. "Okay come on." I gave in and walked up to him as he took off this time not stopping. He pulled out of the gas station and gave me a smirk as he drove away.

"Jerk." I muttered to myself and walked to my house, following the directions the clerk gave me. I reached my house at about midnight. When I got Roe was sitting on the couch waiting for me. Oh no. I internally panicked as she withdrew from the couch and came my way. She looked super pissed.

She slapped me across the face. I put my hand to cover the mark she had caused. I felt the tears sting the back of my eyes. I quickly blinked them away."How dare you come home at a time like this!" She slapped me on the other cheek. "I waited so long for you to get home!" She kicked me in the shin and I let my back slide down the door. She kicked me in the stomach. I groaned and laughed evilly at me. "Go to bed. In the morning, cover those. I don't want to move again because of you." She stomped off to her room.

I got up and walked to the bathroom and cleaned my cut on my arm. I go back to bed and shed a few tears the I succumb to the darkness. 

Theodore |Book 1|Where stories live. Discover now